Databases beginning with the letter "P" for Panza Maurer Law Library patrons
37 results.
- 1.
PA Exam Prep - McGraw-Hill
Physician Assistant students study aid for the PANCE and PANRE exams.
- 2.
PAIS Index - ProQuest
Provides citations and abstracts related to current issues and public affairs. Includes references to journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Websites, and more. Newspapers and newsletters are not indexed. 1972 - present.
- 3.
PEDro, Physiotherapy Evidence Database - Public Web site
Citations and abstracts of randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
- 4.
Periodicals Archive Online - ProQuest
Periodicals Archive Online spans the humanities and social sciences, across 37 key subject areas. It is international in scope with the inclusion of more than 150 foreign-language titles, of value both to customers in English-speaking countries and internationally. Coverage is from volume 1 issue 1 of each journal and all issues are digitized from cover to cover.
- 5.
Pharmacist's Letter - TRC HEALTHCARE
Join like-minded colleagues in accessing the leading information source on drug therapy recommendations, written for pharmacists by pharmacists. Use trusted, evidence-based guidance to avoid medication errors, improve adherence, and save time.
TRC Healthcare is vendor for the Pharmacist's Letter
- 6.
Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice - McGraw-Hill
Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, also known by Chisolm-Burns, is the condensed version of the text : Pharmacotherapy : a Pathophysiological Approach (DiPiro). This resource is an added value to the AccessPharmacy collection.
- 7.
Pharmacy Library - APhA - American Pharmacists Association
The American Pharmacists Association provides an ebook collection with titles important to the pharmacy profession.
- 8.
Physical Therapy Collection - Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
LWW Health Library delivers health science education and clinical content directly to students, faculty, residents, and staff through a single portal—providing interactive online access to essential texts, procedure videos, images, real-life case studies, and quiz banks.
Faculty members can contact the HPD Library for additional related instructional resources : Powerpoint slides, question banks, image banks.
- 9.
Plumb's Veterinary Drugs - Plumb's Veterinary Drugs
Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs, accessible on your tablet, smartphone, and computer, is continually updated so you have the most current information available to help you make more informed drug decisions.
- 10.
PolicyMap - PolicyMap
PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications. It is used in research related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Users can leverage thousands of U.S. data indicators in PolicyMap to perform demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases, up to a national level, as well as create custom regions, for their research and studies. For more information, please see the following videos - Introduction, Quick Start.
Please send an email to if you receive an error message while trying to reset or confirm your personal account password.
- 11.
Pratt's Financial Services Law Library - Sheshunoff Information Services (A.S. Pratt)
- 12.
Premium Pharmacy - Health Library Subscription - Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Features: - 26 core textbooks for pharmacy students and practitioners - Robust video library with professional resources covering Pathology/Pathophysiology, Pharmacy Practice, Physical Examination, and Physiology - Full book chapters are printable and can be shared with colleagues and students - Books are continually updated with the most current edition - Sophisticated semantic search and user-friendly navigation.
Faculty members can contact the HPD Library for additional related instructional resources : Powerpoint slides, question banks, image banks.
- 13.
Producer Price Index (PPI) - Public Web site
The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a family of indexes that measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services. PPIs measure price change from the perspective of the seller. This contrasts with other measures, such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), that measure price change from the purchaser's perspective. Sellers' and purchasers' prices may differ due to government subsidies, sales and excise taxes, and distribution costs.
- 14.
Project Muse - Johns Hopkins University Press
Full-text ebooks and journals from scholarly journals and publishers in the humanities and social sciences, including arts, history, literature, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and more. All ebooks and journals are fully integrated for search and discovery.
- 15.
ProQuest Career and Technical Education - ProQuest
Provides vocational and technical education periodicals.
- 16.
ProQuest Central - ProQuest
Our largest full-text multidisciplinary database includes over 13,000 titles, with over 10,000 available in full text. Content is provided in over 160 subject areas.
- 17.
ProQuest Congressional - ProQuest
Provides access to Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports (from 1916 to present), Committee Prints (from 1830 to 2003), and Senate and Congressional Documents and Reports (from 1817-2003).
- 18.
Proquest Congressional (Law) - ProQuest
- 19.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Nova Southeastern University - ProQuest
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Nova Southeastern University database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at NSU. Click here to learn more about locating dissertations.
- 20.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global - ProQuest
Bibliographic database of information about doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Citations for dissertations beginning in 1861, abstracts for dissertations published from 1980 forward, and full-text from 1997 forward. Select open access dissertations are also included.
- 21.
ProQuest Health and Medical Complete - ProQuest
Designed to serve a wide range of people who need health information -- from hospital administrators to medical professionals to consumers. The database provides coverage from leading health journals and essential medical journals in key medical specialties.
- 22.
ProQuest Healthcare Administration Database - ProQuest
ProQuest Health Management is designed to meet the needs of research studying health administration. The content includes relevant information on a wide range of topics including: Public Health Administration, Insurance, Hospitals, Law, Ethics and Health economics.
- 23.
ProQuest Military Database - ProQuest
Covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. Over 385 full text titles.
- 24.
ProQuest Natural Science Collection - ProQuest
The ProQuest Natural Science Collection is a full-text database that includes the Agricultural & Environmental Science, Biological Science, and the Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Databases. This comprehensive collection provides full-text titles from around the world in the life, earth, agricultural, and environmental sciences, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
- 25.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
- 26.
ProQuest One Academic - ProQuest
Search four databases on one platform. ProQuest One Academic includes ProQuest Central (covering 160 subject areas), Academic Complete (a collection of 150,000 ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access), ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, and Academic Video Online (AVON), a collection of 67,000 academic videos across multiple subjects.
- 27.
ProQuest Periodicals Archive Online Collection 1.2 - ProQuest
Periodicals Archive Online spans the humanities and social sciences, across 37 key subject areas. It is international in scope with the inclusion of more than 150 foreign-language titles, of value both to customers in English-speaking countries and internationally. Coverage is from volume 1 issue 1 of each journal and all issues are digitized from cover to cover.
- 28.
ProQuest Sports Medicine and Education Index - ProQuest
Provides indexing and abstracts for information related to physical and health education, sports medicine, physical therapy, sport law, dance, and related topics. Includes citations from peer-reviewed journals, report literature, conference proceedings, trade magazines, patents, articles from the popular press, and many other publications.
- 29.
PsycARTICLES - ProQuest
Full-text articles from 77 peer-reviewed journals in general and specialized psychology from APA and other publishers. Most available from Vol. 1, Issue 1, starting in 1894.
- 30.
PsychiatryOnline - American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc (APPI)
Provides online access to major psychiatry reference material and journals, including the DSM library, psychiatric textbooks, and American Journal of Psychiatry. Book chapters are downloadable to PDAs and smartphones.
- 31.
Psychological Experiments Online - Alexander Street Press
Psychological Experiments Online is a multimedia collection that synthesizes the most important psychological experiments of the 20th and 21st centuries, fostering deeper levels of understanding for students and scholars alike. These experiments have far-reaching impacts on fields as diverse as sociology, business, advertising, economics, political science, law, ethics, and the arts.
- 32.
Psychology Database - ProQuest
Full-text articles from over 400 psychology journals and related publications.
- 33. Streaming Video (Exclusive Collection) -
Streaming video collection offers 50 titles consisting of training videos --most of them demonstrations of psychotherapy and counseling sessions-- featuring the leading contributors of our time and covering a wide range of modalities, populations and approaches. Their videos are used worldwide to train a variety of mental health practitioners, from psychologists, counselors and social workers to nurses, addiction professionals and others. New titles are added on a daily basis. Streams come with a downloadable Instructor’s manual and are subtitled in English.
- 34.
PsycINFO - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts to literature in psychology, the behavioral sciences, and other related disciplines. Includes psychological research and its applications. Contains material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
- 35.
PsycTESTS - ProQuest
APA PsycTests is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
- 36.
PTSDpubs - ProQuest
Includes citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events, without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations.
- 37.
PUBMED MEDLINE w/ NSU-Findit - National Library of Medicine
NLM's database containing over 35 million citations and abstracts across several NLM literature resources, including MEDLINE, PubMed Central (PMC), and more.