- 1.
ABI/Inform Collection - ProQuest
Business database with more than 3,840 full-text titles covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information. Click here to browse Commodity Reports, Country Data Reports, SWOT, Market Research, and Industry Reports from EIU and BMI. Need help? Watch this video.
- 2.
ABI/Inform Dateline - ProQuest
Citations, abstracts and selected full-text for local and regional business news including company, marketing, finance, and industry news. Coverage: 1985 to current. Need help? Watch this video.
- 3.
ABI/Inform Global - ProQuest
Citations, abstracts and selected full-text from scholarly journals and other periodicals covering business, management, economics, advertising, marketing, human resources, finance, taxation and more. Coverage: 1971 to current. Need help? Watch this video.
- 4.
ABI/Inform Trade & Industry - ProQuest
Citations, abstracts and selected full-text from business periodicals and newsletters with a trade or industry focus. Covers industry news, product and competitive information, marketing trends, and more. Coverage: 1971 to current. Need help? Watch this video.
- 5.
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection - ProQuest
Provides essential information about the financial services industry, banking trends, topics, issues, and operations.
- 6.
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) - ProQuest
Provides indexing and abstracting for 650 journals covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.
- 7.
Archives Unbound - Gale Cengage Learning
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level. Collections in Archives Unbound cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Collections are chosen for Archives Unbound based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students.
- 8.
Asian & European Business Collection - ProQuest
Provides detailed information on companies, economies, markets, and overall business conditions throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.
Top - 9.
Business Market Research Collection - ProQuest
Provides information on over 40,000 public and private companies, including small businesses. Includes detailed business reports and industry profiles with company locations, financial summaries, key officers, major competitors, and more.
- 10.
Business Plans eBooks - Gale Cengage Learning
Updated annually, this collection contains complete business plans for hundreds of different types of businesses.
- 11.
Business Source Premier - EBSCOhost
Business Source Premier provides full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles, as well as business-oriented newspapers, magazines and even case studies. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is updated daily and is strong in the areas of management, accounting, finance and economics.
Top - 12.
Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory Reports - Cabells
Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory Reports is designed to help researchers and academics match their manuscripts with the scholarly journals which are most likely to publish those manuscripts. The Journalytics area provides publishing information for each journal, including information for submission, review, author assistance, and analytics. With this information, authors can easily submit their manuscripts to the journals most receptive to their research. The Predatory Reports section features journals analyzed by over 60 behavioral indicators that are considered predatory.
- 13.
CCH AnswerConnect - Wolters Kluwer
Full-text federal and state tax information including tax news, explanations and analysis, codes and regulations, tax forms, cases and other primary source material.
Users must create an account to use this database.
- 14.
Chicago Complete Collection - Current Access - University of Chicago Press
The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- 15.
Provides access to datasets of historical financial information for advanced business and financial research.
- 16.
Consumer Brand Analytics - SBRnet
Consumer Brand Analytics provides market size, demographics, social media and sports fan involvement for 200+ consumer brands in 19 product categories. It enables you to compare and contrast brands within a product category. Future enhancements will provide statistical analysis on brand loyalty and brand switching. The Brand Share Index compares how well a brand performs within a particular demographic segment of a brand relative to how the same brand performs among all users of the brand in a product category.
- 17.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Public Web site
The CPI represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. User fees (such as water and sewer service) and sales and excise taxes paid by the consumer are also included. Income taxes and investment items (like stocks, bonds, and life insurance) are not included.
Top - 18.
Data Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics
Access an array of data across subjects and regions, providing a comprehensive picture of research output to understand data in context and maximize research efforts.
Top - 19.
Ebook Central - ProQuest
Ebook Central is the new platform for accessing the NSU Libraries EBL e-books and former MyiLibrary ebook collections. Subject content includes Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Health & Medicine. E-books are downloadable for offline reading in both PDF and EPUB or can be read online with the e-book viewer.
- 20.
Emerald eJournals Premier - Emerald Group
Full-text articles from over 200 journals covering human resources, library science, marketing, management, operations, and other related topics. Provides detailed reviews (no full-text) for articles in an additional 300 management journals. Coverage back to Volume 1 Issue 1 for over 120 journals.
- 21.
Entrepreneurial Studies Source - EBSCOhost
Entrepreneurial Studies Source offers users full text for more than 125 key periodicals, 135 reference books, numerous case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Seminar Series and Vator.TV, one of the world's largest social network sites for high-tech entrepreneurs.
Top - 22.
First Research - Mergent
First Research provides unlimited access to an online library of profiles on over 600 industry segments. This powerful research tool features in-depth, up-to-date information and gives you the insight you need to provide greater value to students, professors, small business owners and job seekers. Profiles are comprehensive and include the following: industry overviews; the competitive landscape; products, operations and technology; finance and regulation; regional and international issues; human resources; and labor statistics.
Top - 23.
Gale OneFile: Economics and Theory - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to full-text academic journals and magazines. Focuses on titles covered in the EconLit bibliographic index. Content is useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more.
- 24.
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. Offers content that provides coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries as well as information on state parks, planning a vacation, and full-text travel guides from Fodor's.
Top - 25.
IBISWorld - IBISWorld
Whether your company requires a better understanding of market conditions and forecasts; whether you need a clearer picture of a supply chain, or whether you need to keep abreast of competitor activity in your industry, IBISWorld’s comprehensive reports will keep you informed. IBISWorld’s industry research reports consist of 30 to 40 pages of key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, major industry participants and more.
This resource allows a limited number of report downloads per day. If you receive a "daily download limit reached" message, please try again tomorrow. The download limit resets daily at 12:00am ET.
- 26.
iGLibrary Plus - iGLibrary Plus
The new portal for accessing e-book content from business publisher, Business Expert Press and STEM publisher, Momentum Press. Business Expert Press subjects include business and entrepreneurial content. Momentum Press focuses on STEM-related subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Expert Insights provides short articles for professionals who want to update their skills. Topics include finance, business development, coaching, leadership, self-improvement, and more. E-books available in PDF/EPUB format for downloadable reading (a Personal Account is REQUIRED for offline reading).
- 27.
IntelliConnect (moved to CCH AnswerConnect) - Wolters Kluwer
Full-text federal and state tax information including tax news, explanations and analysis, codes and regulations, tax forms, cases and other primary source material.
Users must create an account to use this database.
Top - 28.
Full-text articles from scholarly journals are available (from Volume 1 to issues published 2-5 years ago) in the arts, business, humanities, literature, social sciences, general science, mathematics and statistics
To view full-text PDF articles, you must allow popups for this site.
Top - 29.
Kanopy - Kanopy
Kanopy is a video streaming database featuring more than 60,000 films. Subjects covered in our collection include the Arts, Business, Education, Global Studies & Language, Media & Communications, and the Social Sciences. Films range from documentaries, indie and foreign films, classics and blockbuster movies. Download the Kanopy app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Users must create an account to use as a login for the mobile app.
- 30.
Key Business Ratios Archives - Mergent
Key Business Ratios Archives has over 30 years of history starting in 1979 consisting of US Corporations, partnerships and proprietorships for both public and privately held companies.
Top - 31.
Mergent Market Atlas (formerly Mergent Online) - Mergent
Mergent Market Atlas offers tools for both interactive online research and easy predefined report access. These tools and reports are reflected across multiple product modules including Company, Sustainability, Industry, Country and Economic analysis. The Market Atlas database of corporate information covers over 50,000 US and foreign public companies, current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, capital stock, and insider trading.
Top - 32.
New York Times, The (Online) - The New York Times
Online version of The New York Times includes all articles, features, interviews, columns, obituaries, audio/video/images, and multimedia since site was launched in 1996 (no crosswords). Also includes some content from 1851 to the present and content from pre-1981 is growing. The New York Times is a critical source of journalism for politics, finance, health, science, the arts, sports, and fashion in the U.S. and abroad. Mobile apps available for multiple devices, including Apple, Android, Kindle, Windows, and Blackberry. Personal registration is required for using this resource. For additional help with activating your account please see this video tutorial. For help using New York Times on mobile devices see this guide!
- 33.
Nexis Uni - LexisNexis
Selected full-text articles, broadcast transcripts, speeches, biographies, laws, legal cases, SEC filings, company profiles, statistics, and other sources covering general news, business information, legal materials, medical and health information, and general reference information.
Top - 34.
OECD Books & Papers - Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development
Full-text publications of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, including country studies, reports, ebooks, periodicals, working papers, and statistics databases. They cover economics, business, and social issues in the 30 member countries and 70 other countries.
Top - 35.
PAIS Index - ProQuest
Provides citations and abstracts related to current issues and public affairs. Includes references to journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Websites, and more. Newspapers and newsletters are not indexed. 1972 - present.
- 36.
ProQuest Central - ProQuest
Our largest full-text multidisciplinary database includes over 13,000 titles, with over 10,000 available in full text. Content is provided in over 160 subject areas.
Top - 37.
Sage Journals - Sage Publications
Collection contains over 100 journals, primarily covering management, education, psychology, health, and nursing. If you want full text articles only, select "Sage Content Available to Me" and set the starting value of Date Range to January, 1999.
Top - 38.
Taxation & Economic Reform in America, a Historical Archive, 1781-2009 - William S. Hein & Co.
- 39.
Taylor & Francis (e-journals) - Taylor & Francis
Collection contains over 1754 journals, primarily covering health, psychology, and social sciences.
Top - 40.
University of Chicago Press Complete Journals - University of Chicago Press
The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Top - 41.
Value Line - Value Line Publishing Inc.
Provides access to full-text of Value Line's leading publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks. Detailed investment information on companies and industries. For best results please use Google Chrome.
Top - 42.
World DataBank - Public Web site
World Bank provides data sets via DataBank which is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them. Includes World Development Indicators and Education Statistics and more.
- 43.
WRDS: Wharton Research Data Services - Wharton
Provides access to datasets of historical financial information for advanced business and financial research. Includes Eventus, Compustat, and CRSP as well as other databases.
NOTE: Technical support for WRDS is provided directly by WRDS technical experts, rather than library staff. Further information available on log in page.
Users must create a personal account to use this database.
WRDS will require two-factor authentication for all web logins beginning December 5th, 2022. For more information, please see How to login to WRDS using 2FA.