- 1.
Academic Video Online (AVON) - ProQuest
This video collection includes 67,000+ films. Content comes from 60 Minutes, BBC, Broadway, CNN, DSM-5/ICD-10, Medical Imaging in Video, PBS, World Newsreels Online, and many more. Subjects include: the Arts, architecture, dance, fashion, music, theater and opera, business, environmental studies, feature films, health, history, education, counseling and therapy, criminal justice, and more. All films are available year round with unlimited use.
- 2.
AccessAnesthesiology - McGraw-Hill
AccessAnesthesiology from McGraw-Hill Medical offers a new approach to anesthesiology reference, research, and curricular instruction – all in one place. Updated regularly, this comprehensive online anesthesiology resource covers the entire spectrum of anesthesiology from the basics to specialty-specific content -– optimized for viewing on any device.
- 3.
AccessMedicine - McGraw-Hill
Full-text, illustrations, and expanded features from McGraw-Hill medical databases. Includes the latest edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, and Schwartz's Surgery.
- 4.
AccessPharmacy - McGraw-Hill
AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill is an online curricular resource designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education. A flexible resource, AccessPharmacy allows students to select a core curriculum topic, browse by organ system, review textbooks, search across leading pharmacy online references and view optimized content on a mobile device
- 5.
AccessPhysiotherapy - McGraw-Hill
AccessPhysiotherapy from McGraw-Hill is an award-winning resource for physical therapy students, educators, and those in practice seeking to maintain certification. Leading the next generation of online physical therapy resources, AccessPhysiotherapy features content from leading McGraw-Hill texts, interactive imaging content, exclusive multimedia, and flexible curricular tools.
- 6.
AccessPhysiotherapy F.A. Davis PT Collection - McGraw-Hill
The F.A. Davis PT Collection on AccessPhysiotherapy is the most comprehensive digital subscription product on the market for educators and physical therapy students. This partnership between F.A. Davis and McGraw-Hill Education brings you a comprehensive online PT resource that covers the entire spectrum of physical therapy—for viewing on any device.
- 7.
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy - Ovid
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy uses simple language and high quality 3-D images to illustrate anatomical structures. The five sections covered are: The Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Trunk, Head & Neck, and Internal Organs.
- 8.
Alexander Street Press Videos - Alexander Street Press
Search across multiple Alexander Street video collections.
- 9.
Alexander Street Press Videos HPD - Alexander Street Press
Health Sciences videos provided by Alexander Street Press
- 10.
American History in Video - Alexander Street Press
Over 1,000 hours of video for the study of American history.
Top - 11.
Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination Online with OSCE's - Wolters Kluwer Health
Online, interactive clinical skills training for students in any healthcare program at your institution — MD, DO, PA, NP, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, exercise science, and pharmacy.Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination delivers videos featuring step-by-step, head-to-toe, and systems-based physical examination techniques, as well as interactive OSCE clinical reasoning modules and new communication and interpersonal skills videos. Based on the Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking guidebook, this online resource maintains the book’s evidence-based origins and focuses on clinical accuracy and the range of patient types profiled in the series. Videos are easily accessible for any student or instructor via a single point of access on a robust, reliable online platform, which helps to standardize instruction across your institution.
- 12.
BibliU E-books - BibliU
BibliU developed a modern eTextbooks platform that integrates fully with all library and university systems and we work closely with over 130 UK and US universities.
Top - 13.
Classical Music in Video - Alexander Street Press
Classical Music in Video will be the definitive online collection for the study of classical music in video format. At completion it will contain 1,000 hours of classical music performances and master classes captured on video -approximately 1,500 performances in all. The collection will contain performances of all forms of classical music, including major orchestral performances by leading orchestras, plus chamber music, oratorio, and solo performances, along with master classes and interviews with master teachers from around the world.
- 14.
Clinical Skills - Elsevier
Clinical Skills provides online video skills and procedures reference system for medical training and education.
- 15.
ClinicalKey eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey offers searching of over 1000 books, 500 journals, and 2500 procedural videos, evidence-based and peer reviewed.
ClinicalKey performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 16.
ClinicalKey Nursing eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey Nursing provides evidence-based content including books, journals, videos, patient education handouts, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
ClinicalKey Nursing performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 17.
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volumes 1-5 - Alexander Street Press
Collection of video for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Themes include aging, family, gender, race, sex and sexual abuse, and substance abuse.
- 18.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video - Alexander Street Press
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video is a landmark collection that illustrates the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals serving on the front lines of justice and public safety. From law enforcement and corrections personnel, to first responders and victims advocates, this compilation of documentaries, training videos, and interviews visually depicts the theoretical principles and practical application of criminal justice and emergency response.
Top - 19.
Dance in Video - Alexander Street Press
Dance productions and documentaries cover ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance. This release includes 109 videos, equalling 165 hours.
- 20.
DocCom - Center for Professionalism and Communication in Health Care
An online resource for teaching, learning, and assessing communication and relationship-centered skills in health care education (formerly DocCom). Additionally there is access to Professional Formation, an online resource for teaching, learning and accessing IPE in health care education.
DocCom shows best on Chrome or Safari browsers ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
Top - 21.
Education in Video - Alexander Street Press
Education in Video is the first online collection of streaming video developed specifically for training and developing teachers. More than 1,000 video titles totaling 750+ hours of teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms give your education students a way to observe the intricacies of behavior, tone, facial expression, and body language that define effective teaching styles. The collection's wealth of course, study, and discussion guides; assessment checklists; and themed playlists give your education faculty ready-to-use teaching tools.
Top - 22.
F.A. Davis PT Collection - McGraw-Hill
The F.A. Davis PT Collection on AccessPhysiotherapy is the most comprehensive digital subscription product on the market for educators and physical therapy students. This partnership between F.A. Davis and McGraw-Hill Education brings you a comprehensive online PT resource that covers the entire spectrum of physical therapy—for viewing on any device.
- 23.
Filmakers Library Online - Alexander Street Press
Filmakers Library Online provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum including race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more. It presents points of view and historical and current experiences from diverse cultures and traditions world-wide. This release now provides 1,019 titles, equaling approximately 806 hours.
Top - 24.
Gale Health and Wellness - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
This user-friendly database aids users who need reliable, comprehensive health information. Whether researchers need to answer questions they don’t feel comfortable discussing with their doctor or want to browse through current information on topics of general interest, Gale Health and Wellness is the one resource everyone will want to consult.
- 25.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine features: 24/7 access to peer-reviewed journals in medicine, health, nursing and allied health and other health-related areas with backfiles from 1980. Videos of medical procedures and live surgeries from OR-Live. International news coverage from Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, NewsRx and Ascribe.
Top - 26.
Health Care Communication - Center for Professionalism and Communication in Health Care
An online resource for teaching, learning, and assessing communication and relationship-centered skills in health care education (formerly DocCom). Additionally there is access to Professional Formation, an online resource for teaching, learning and accessing IPE in health care education.
DocCom shows best on Chrome or Safari browsers ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
Top - 27.
ICE Video Library - International Clinical Educators, Inc.
ICE Video Library provides streaming videos of real-life patient assessment and intervention for physical and occupational therapy students and faculty. This database now also provides StrokeHelp Online, featuring treatment and rehabilitation strategies for the stroke survivor.
This product is not compatible with Internet Explorer, please use other browsers
Top - 28.
JoVE Science Education - JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Science Education is a video database dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. Each video is paired with additional video resources for you to view practical applications of the technique and other complementary skills. The Core and Lab Manual series provide additional animated concept and lab protocol videos. Subjects include biology (basic and advanced), clinical skills, chemistry, psychology, environmental sciences, physics and engineering.
Top - 29.
Kanopy - Kanopy
Kanopy is a video streaming database featuring more than 60,000 films. Subjects covered in our collection include the Arts, Business, Education, Global Studies & Language, Media & Communications, and the Social Sciences. Films range from documentaries, indie and foreign films, classics and blockbuster movies. Download the Kanopy app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Users must create an account to use as a login for the mobile app.
Top - 30.
LGBT Studies in Video - Alexander Street Press
LGBT Studies in Video is a cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual people and the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community. This first-of-its-kind collection features award-winning documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films exploring LGBT history, gay culture and subcultures, civil rights, marriage equality, LGBT families, AIDS, transgender issues, religious perspectives on homosexuality, global comparative experiences, and other topics. The collection will have cross-disciplinary relevance beyond LGBT courses, serving research and teaching in sociology, anthropology, psychology, counseling, history, politica
- 31.
Linkedin Learning - LinkedIn
LinkedIn Learning is a great online educational site that includes over 13,000 expert-led, online courses and video tutorials in popular fields like web design, web development, IT, education/instruction, media production, career development, and business. Note: Linkedin Learning requires that user must be at least 16 years of age.
To log in to the LinkedIn Learning App: Click “Sign in” and everyone should just enter “nova.edu” in the Email field. That will take you to a library authentication page which you can use to enter your SharkLink ID and password or Alvin Sherman Library Card and you’ll be redirected back to LinkedIn Learning once that’s done. Click here for more information.
Top - 32.
Mango Languages - Mango Languages
Mango is a language learning resource with over 70 languages, combining quality content, intelligent technology and an adaptive algorithm that delivers practical phrases from real situations.
- 33.
MedOne Education - Thieme
The Thieme MedOne Education platform contains textbooks, journals, media and color atlases covering every course in the medical school curriculum. The library is updated on an on-going basis with new editions and new topics.
Top - 34.
National Geographic Virtual Library: People, Animals, and the World - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to digital content from National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic History magazine, full-text on travel, science & technology, history, environment, animals, photography, and peoples & cultures. Includes videos, full-color maps, and hundreds of National Geographic images.
- 35.
Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
Top - 36.
Opera in Video - Alexander Street Press
Video of staged productions, interviews, and documentaries. Selections represent the world's best performers, conductors, and opera houses and are based on a work's importance to the operatic canon.
Top - 37.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
- 38.
ProQuest One Academic - ProQuest
Search four databases on one platform. ProQuest One Academic includes ProQuest Central (covering 160 subject areas), Academic Complete (a collection of 150,000 ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access), ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, and Academic Video Online (AVON), a collection of 67,000 academic videos across multiple subjects.
- 39.
Psychological Experiments Online - Alexander Street Press
Psychological Experiments Online is a multimedia collection that synthesizes the most important psychological experiments of the 20th and 21st centuries, fostering deeper levels of understanding for students and scholars alike. These experiments have far-reaching impacts on fields as diverse as sociology, business, advertising, economics, political science, law, ethics, and the arts.
- 40.
Psychotherapy.net Streaming Video (Exclusive Collection) - Psychotherapy.net
Streaming video collection offers 50 titles consisting of training videos --most of them demonstrations of psychotherapy and counseling sessions-- featuring the leading contributors of our time and covering a wide range of modalities, populations and approaches. Their videos are used worldwide to train a variety of mental health practitioners, from psychologists, counselors and social workers to nurses, addiction professionals and others. New titles are added on a daily basis. Streams come with a downloadable Instructor’s manual and are subtitled in English.
Top - 41.
Sage Research Methods - Sage Publications
Sage Research Methods Online (SRM) is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SRM contains books, journals and videos. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand a particular method or identify a new method, and write up their research. Since SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more. For more information see this guide.
- 42.
Sage Video - Sage Publications
This collection of videos features content on business, counseling and psychotherapy, criminology, education, leadership, media and communication, nursing, politics, social work and sociology. For more information see this guide.
- 43.
Shoah Foundation - ProQuest
The Visual History Archive (VHA) includes both the monumental Holocaust collection that had its genesis from Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" and resources from other crimes against humanity. The vast collection includes the complete testimonies from witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other notable genocides including the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), Nanjing Massacre (1937), Rwanda (1994), and Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1996). The resource includes firsthand primary source accountings with 53,000 recorded testimonies, 112,000 hours of video, participants from 63 countries and 39 languages, 1.8 million names, and 700,000 images.
Users must create a personal account to use this database. For more information about Visual History Archive see this guide.
- 44.
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video - Alexander Street Press
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video provides instant access to hundreds of hours of high-quality video for the study of disease management, injury treatment, nutrition, special populations, fitness and health assessment, medical fitness, exercise adherence, sport science, worksite wellness, and much more.
Top - 45.
Tech-Talk - Shared Results International
Tech-Talk is a collection of articles and videos contributed weekly by top training experts. The resource's focus is to assist users with staying current in using technology and becoming better communicators in the workplace. Authorized users have the option to access the resource through the Tech-Talk mobile app available either on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
- 46.
Theatre in Video - Alexander Street Press
Contains performances of the world's leading plays and more than 100 film documentaries.
- 47.
Thieme MedOne Education - Thieme
The Thieme MedOne Education platform contains textbooks, journals, media and color atlases covering every course in the medical school curriculum. The library is updated on an on-going basis with new editions and new topics.
Top - 48.
Video Journal of Counseling and Therapy - Alexander Street Press
The Video Journal of Counseling and Therapy is the definitive streaming video collection of the latest in research and best practice methods in the fields of counseling, mental health, and psychology. The collection includes contemporary presentations, lectures, and workshops from renowned counselors, psychologists, and practitioners, and at least 350 hours of new content will be added yearly to a base of 1,000 hours.
- 49.
Visual History Archive (VHA) USC Shoah Foundation - ProQuest
The Visual History Archive (VHA) includes both the monumental Holocaust collection that had its genesis from Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" and resources from other crimes against humanity. The vast collection includes the complete testimonies from witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other notable genocides including the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), Nanjing Massacre (1937), Rwanda (1994), and Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1996). The resource includes firsthand primary source accountings with 53,000 recorded testimonies, 112,000 hours of video, participants from 63 countries and 39 languages, 1.8 million names, and 700,000 images.
Users must create a personal account to use this database. For more information about Visual History Archive see this guide.
Top - 50.
Wall Street Journal, The (Online) - Wall Street Journal
This digital version of the Wall Street Journal includes newsletters and podcasts, as well as websites for students and for professors.
A one-time personal account registration using your NSU email and a password of your choice is required for using this resource. On subsequent visits, users will automatically be signed into their WSJ personal accounts after logging into the resource with Shark username and password. Please note that your email address and the password you created for your personal account will become your login credentials when accessing content via the WSJ app.
Faculty and Staff must refresh access every 365 days by clicking on the link in the email that will be sent 7 days prior to expiration. Students accounts will expire on their graduation dates.