1. Academic Video Online (AVON)Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
This video collection includes 67,000+ films. Content comes from 60 Minutes, BBC, Broadway, CNN, DSM-5/ICD-10, Medical Imaging in Video, PBS, World Newsreels Online, and many more. Subjects include: the Arts, architecture, dance, fashion, music, theater and opera, business, environmental studies, feature films, health, history, education, counseling and therapy, criminal justice, and more. All films are available year round with unlimited use.
3. JSTORLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - JSTOR
Full-text articles from scholarly journals are available (from Volume 1 to issues published 2-5 years ago) in the arts, business, humanities,
literature, social sciences, general science, mathematics and statistics To view full-text PDF articles, you must allow popups for this site.