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Law databases for Alumni patrons

61 results. (See in alphabetical order)

Top Picks

  1. 1. HeinOnlineLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Full-text images of over 500 law journals. All journals begin with first issue; many include full run of all published issues, while others include all issues to late 1990s or early 2000s.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  2. 2. Nexis Uni LegalLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - LexisNexis
    Searches law reviews and journals.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.

Also Recommended

  1. 1. Archives UnboundLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level. Collections in Archives Unbound cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Collections are chosen for Archives Unbound based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  2. 2. Chicago Complete Collection - Current AccessLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - University of Chicago Press
    The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  3. 3. CQ Press LibraryLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - CQ Press
    This database features content on Congress, voting and elections, the Supreme Court, public affairs, American government, and politics.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  4. 4. Criminal Justice and Public Safety in VideoLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Alexander Street Press
    Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video is a landmark collection that illustrates the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals serving on the front lines of justice and public safety. From law enforcement and corrections personnel, to first responders and victims advocates, this compilation of documentaries, training videos, and interviews visually depicts the theoretical principles and practical application of criminal justice and emergency response.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  5. 5. Criminal Justice DatabaseLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
    Citations, abstracts, and selected full-text articles covering practical issues in crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, police issues, and courtroom procedures.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  6. 6. ElgarOnlineLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
    Global and comparative law collection spanning a wide range of subject areas and publication formats, founded on the twin pillars of quality and originality, and serving all levels of the global academic market. Elgaronline titles not only interpret and articulate the law but also innovate and challenge the status quo, often comparing systems or drawing lessons from other disciplines. Subjects include: Antitrust & Competition Law, Banking & Finance Law, Commercial Law, Company & Corporate Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional & Administrative Law, Crime & Corruption, Environment & Energy Law, European Law, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, International Economic Law & the WTO, International Investment Law, Labor & Employment Law, Law & Development, Law & Economics, Law in Asia, Legal Education & the Legal Profession, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Law, Philosophy of Law & Legal Theory, Private International Law, Public International Law, Regulation & Governance, Technology & Information Law.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  7. 7. FastcaseLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Fastcase
    Primary law from all 50 states, including cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and constitutions. You must use this link for access; bookmarks will not work.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  8. 8. Gale OneFile: Criminal JusticeLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice highlights the research process for researchers who are studying law, law enforcement, or terrorism, training for paralegal service, preparing for a career in homeland security, delving into forensic science, investigating crime scenes, developing policy, going to court, writing sociological reports, and much more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  9. 9. Gale OneFile: LegalTracLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Citations, abstracts, and selected full-text articles from various legal publications, as well as selected law-related articles from business and general-interest publications. Offers coverage of federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  10. 10. HeinOnline American Indian Law CollectionLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    With more than 700 unique titles and 750,000 pages dedicated to American Indian Law, this collection includes an expansive archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  11. 11. HeinOnline American Law Institute LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Contains full runs of the Institutes Annual Reports, Proceedings, Annual Meeting Speeches, and the Institutes newsletter, The ALI Reporter. It also includes the Restatements of the Law, Uniform Commercial Code, Model Penal Code, ALI-ABA Periodicals, and the Statement of Essential Human Rights (a pioneering ALI project of the mid-1940s).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  12. 12. HeinOnline Bar Journals LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Contains more than 70 state and local Bar Journals. You can search by article title, author, description, date, or across the full text of the articles.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  13. 13. HeinOnline Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and EntertainmentLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Topical database including legal periodical literature, full-text books and bibliographies, federal and state documents, legislative histories, carefully selected court decisions, and links to relevant external websites. Per publisher, treatment of sports-related material is comprehensive; entertainment-related materials focus on movies, music, television and theater.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  14. 14. HeinOnline Civil Rights and Social JusticeLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    HeinOnline's Civil Rights database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans including disabled Americans and those identifying as LGBTQ. Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still. A curated list of scholarly articles, a varied collection of books on many civil rights topics, and a list of prominent civil rights organizations help take the research beyond HeinOnline.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  15. 15. HeinOnline Code of Federal RegulationsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Coverage is comprehensive, containing more than 8,000 volumes dating back to inception (1938).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  16. 16. HeinOnline Criminal Justice & CriminologyLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This collection includes the official opinions of the U.S. Attorney General (both the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States as well as the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  17. 17. HeinOnline English ReportsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1865) online edition delivers exact page-images of the original bound reprint edition, containing more than 100,000 cases, together with the Indexes and Book of Charts. In addition, multiple navigation tools, such as a Case Locator, Chart Tool, and an Advanced Search feature enhance the ease of access to specific cases.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  18. 18. HeinOnline European Centre for Minority IssuesLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The ECMI conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. This library contains several publications of the ECMI, including ECMI Reports and Working Papers.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  19. 19. HeinOnline Federal Register LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The Federal Register is updated on a daily basis. Its coverage is comprehensive and begins from inception (1936). Also includes the CFR from inception (1938), United States Government Manual from inception (1935), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents from inception (1965).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  20. 20. HeinOnline Foreign & International Law ResourcesLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    FILRD includes the publications of the American Society of International Law along with prominent Yearbooks from around the world, including the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice series.It also includes U.S. Law Digests, International Tribunals/Judicial Decisions and more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  21. 21. HeinOnline Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. It is comprised of more than 500 books beginning with Abraham Lincolns administration in 1861 and continuing to the administration of Richard Nixon in 1975.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  22. 22. HeinOnline Gun Regulation and Legislation in AmericaLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Searchable database which provides links to legal materials on gun regulation in the United States.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  23. 23. HeinOnline Hackney PublicationsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Hackney Publications explore the legal side of sports in depth and delivers mission-critical information to professionals who have chosen the sports industry as their field. These journals provide analyses to help these professionals make the best business decisions.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  24. 24. HeinOnline Harvard Research in International LawLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The collection includes access to the reprint of The Harvard Research in International Law as well as Contemporary Analysis and Appraisal. It also includes links to law review articles from within the Law Journal Library that are written by the contributors to the Harvard Research in International Law.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  25. 25. HeinOnline History of Bankruptcy: Taxation and Economic Reform in America Part IIILocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This collection includes more than 135,000 pages of legislative histories, treatises, documents and more, all related to bankruptcy law in America. Also included are classic books dating back to the late 1800s and links to scholarly articles related to the study of bankruptcy in America.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  26. 26. HeinOnline History of Capital PunishmentLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Includes both database and PDF versions of the Eugene G. Wanger and Marilyn M. Wanger Death Penalty Collection: A Descriptive Bibliography, which represents more than 50 years of expert and extensive research on this subject. Also included are hundreds of additional related publications, such as hearings, trials, periodicals, and more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  27. 27. HeinOnline Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP) is the preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in over 500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions. IFLP also analyzes the contents of approximately fifty individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften, Mélanges, and congress reports each year.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  28. 28. HeinOnline Intellectual Property Law CollectionLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    A specialized intellectual property law collection focusing on copyrights, patents, and trademarks in the United States
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  29. 29. HeinOnline Israel Law ReportsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Includes the complete run of the Israel Law Reports which provides access to more than 220 cases in an online digital format. Also includes access to the Israel Law Review, Volumes 1-42 (1966-2009).
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  30. 30. HeinOnline Law Journal LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Contains more than 1,500 law and law-related periodicals. Coverage is from the first issue published for all periodicals and goes through the most-currently published issues allowed based on contracts with publishers. Search by article title, author, subject, state or country published, full text, and narrow by date.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  31. 31. HeinOnline Legal Classics LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Includes more than 1,800 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history including Joseph Story, Jeremy Bentham, William Blackstone, William Holdsworth, Henry Maine, Federick William Maitland, Frederick Pollock, Benjamin E. Cardozo, and many more! In addition to many classics this collection also includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  32. 32. HeinOnline National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State LawsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This provides access to the full text of all Model Acts drafted, recommended or endorsed by the Conference. It includes the NCCUSL  Archive Publications, Handbook of the NCCUSL and Proceedings of the Annual Conference Meeting, 1st-118th Conference (1891-2009) are all available transcripts of the Proceedings of each Annual Meeting, as well as the transcripts of the discussions in the Committee of the whole of each Uniform and Model Act. lso included are the approved successive drafts of each Uniform and Model Act.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  33. 33. HeinOnline National Survey of State LawsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    "This database version of Rich Leiter's National Survey of State Laws provides an overall view of some of the most sought-after and controversial legal topics in the United States. Users are able to make basic state-by-state comparisons of current state laws. The new 8th edition, along with the 7th, 6th, and 5th editions, are included in database format, which also allows users to compare the same laws as they existed in 2005, 2008, 2015, and 2019. All print editions are included in HeinOnline's image-based, fully searchable, user-friendly platform."--Information pop-up window on home page.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  34. 34. HeinOnline Open Society Justice InitiativeLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The Open Society Justice Initiative, part of the Open Society Foundations, was established in 2003 to provide expert legal support for Open Society’s broader mission and values through strategic human rights litigation and other legal work. The Justice Initiative publishes reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice. Beyond its publications, the Justice Initiative represents individuals before domestic and international human rights tribunals. Its advocacy work targets national and regional policymakers and governments to advance human rights and the rule of law, and it supports local, national, and international efforts to expand access to justice.
    Open Society Foundations were founded by George Soros and are the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights. Today, the Foundations fund groups and projects in more than 120 countries.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  35. 35. HeinOnline Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law PublicationsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Searchable database of more than 50 publications issued by the Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law at Columbia Law School. Collection can also be browsed by author and title.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  36. 36. HeinOnline Phillip C. Jessup LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Through special arrangement with the International Law Students Association (ILSA) this collection provides access to all of the top moot court competitions since 1960. It draws together the Problems, Judges Briefs, Rules, and leading written memorials which comprise each competition. In addition, several publications of ILSA are also available.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  37. 37. HeinOnline SAGE Medical Legal PackageLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The SAGE medical legal package consists of five key titles on this topic: American Journal of Law & Medicine (AJLM), Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME), Medical Law International, Medicine, Science and the Law, and Medico-Legal Journal.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  38. 38. HeinOnline Session Laws LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This library contains the session laws of all 50 U.S. states as well as Canada, Australia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the D.C. Register. The following states are available back to their inception: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts,New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. The goal is to take all states back to their inception.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  39. 39. HeinOnline Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & LawLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Brings together, for the first time, all known legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery. The library has hundreds of pamphlets and books written about slavery - defending it, attacking it or simply analyzing it. We have gathered every English-language legal commentary on slavery published before 1920, which includes many essays and articles in obscure, hard-to-find journals in the United States and elsewhere. We have provided more than a thousand pamphlets and books on slavery from the 19th century. We provide word searchable access to all Congressional debates from the Continental Congress to 1880. We have also included many modern histories of slavery. Within this library is a section containing all modern law review articles on the subject.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  40. 40. HeinOnline Spinelli's Law Librarian's Reference ShelfLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This collection brings together various reference works and tools for law librarians. Content includes: AALL GD-SIS State Bibliographies, AALL Publication Series, Legal Dictionaries, Serials, Cataloging Publications, Bibliographies, Bibliography of Early American Law, Legal Research Guide Series, Memorials of Law Librarians and much more!
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  41. 41. HeinOnline State Attorney General Reports and OpinionsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Attorney General Reports & Opinions constitute, for each state, an integral element in its framework of governing law, and have the characteristics of both primary and secondary authority. This collection includes access to the State Attorney General Reports & Opinions for all fifty states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Also includes access to the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice and the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  42. 42. HeinOnline U.S. Congressional DocumentsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  43. 43. HeinOnline U.S. Presidential LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This library includes such titles as Messages and Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3 (Presidents), Daily and Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other documents related to U.S. Presidents.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  44. 44. HeinOnline U.S. Treaties & Agreements LibraryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    This library includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published. This is the worlds largest and most complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements and includes such prominent collections as the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the Blue set), as well as famous sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy and others.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  45. 45. HeinOnline United States Statutes at LargeLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Includes complete coverage of the Statutes at Large, and features multiple browsing and searching options to enhance the online value over the paper volumes.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  46. 46. Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 (H.W. Wilson)Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - EBSCOhost
    Index to over 750 English language legal periodicals for 1908-1981, plus annual surveys of laws, and federal courts, yearbooks, annual institutes, and annual reviews.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  47. 47. Journal of Commerce - JOC.comLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni. - JOC Group Inc.
    The Journal of Commerce online journal and web site ( features news and information about trucking, maritime, ports, logistics, regulations, rail, technology, breakbulk, sailings, and special topics such as top rankings, industry news, labor negotiations, a Knowledge Center, and an annual review. Tools included on this site include: webcasts, white papers, videos, podcasts, sailings schedules, a magazine archive, port productivity report, and more. The JOC Shipping & Logistics Pricing Hub is included with our subscription and allows shippers and transport providers to accurately benchmark and forecast for their supply chains. The e-resource is optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop use.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni.
  48. 48. LGBT Studies in VideoLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Alexander Street Press
    LGBT Studies in Video is a cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual people and the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community. This first-of-its-kind collection features award-winning documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films exploring LGBT history, gay culture and subcultures, civil rights, marriage equality, LGBT families, AIDS, transgender issues, religious perspectives on homosexuality, global comparative experiences, and other topics. The collection will have cross-disciplinary relevance beyond LGBT courses, serving research and teaching in sociology, anthropology, psychology, counseling, history, politica
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  49. 49. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International LawLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Oxford University Press
    The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) is a comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law. Written and edited by an incomparable team of over 800 scholars and practitioners, published in partnership with the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, and updated throughout the year, this major reference work, which contains over 1,700 articles, is essential for anyone researching or teaching international law.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  50. 50. National Criminal Justice Reference ServiceLocal access for all users. Remote access is not available. - Public Web site
    Provides crime, justice and substance abuse related information. Tab to Library Abstracts, this resource includes summaries of more than 205,000 justice and substance abuse resources. This site includes statistics and full text government resources.
    Local access for all users. Remote access is not available.
  51. 51. Nexis UniLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - LexisNexis
    Selected full-text articles, broadcast transcripts, speeches, biographies, laws, legal cases, SEC filings, company profiles, statistics, and other sources covering general news, business information, legal materials, medical and health information, and general reference information.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  52. 52. NSUWorksLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Digital Commons/Bepress
    NSUWorks is a service of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Libraries. Research, scholarly and creative output included in this institutional repository has been selected and deposited by NSU’s individual colleges, schools, centers and administrative departments. Online access is provided to both published and unpublished works by the NSU community. This includes journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, University publications, digital and multimedia collections. Contribution of completed works to this repository ensures long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  53. 53. Oxford Constitutions of the WorldLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Oxford University Press
    This resource contains fully-translated English-language versions of all the world's constitutions (both national and sub-national), accompanied by individual jurisdictional commentaries, and supplementary materials, including foundation documents, historical versions of constitutions, and amendment Acts/Laws. Also available is the Oxford Law Citator, which enables onward research and ease of access to key materials.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  54. 54. Sage VideoLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Sage Publications
    This collection of videos features content on business, counseling and psychotherapy, criminology, education, leadership, media and communication, nursing, politics, social work and sociology. For more information see this guide.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  55. 55. Social Sciences Citation IndexLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni. - Clarivate Analytics
    Provides abstracts, cited references, times cited, and links to full text when available for articles in the social sciences (1975 to present). Part of Web of Science.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni.
  56. 56. Taxation & Economic Reform in America, a Historical Archive, 1781-2009Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  57. 57. U.S. Congressional Serial SetLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - William S. Hein & Co.
    The United States Congressional Serial Set, commonly referred to as the Serial Set, is considered an essential publication for unveiling American history. Spanning more than two centuries with more than 17,000 bound volumes, the records in this series include House and Senate Documents, House and Senate Reports, and much more. The reports are usually from congressional committees dealing with proposed legislation and issues under investigation. The documents include all other papers ordered printed by the House or Senate. Documents cover a wide variety of topics, including reports of executive departments and independent organizations, reports of special investigations made for Congress, and annual reports of non-governmental organizations. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, executive-branch materials were also published in the Serial Set.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  58. 58. University of Chicago Press Complete JournalsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - University of Chicago Press
    The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  59. 59. vLex/JustisOne Caribbean CoreLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for Law. - vLex
    Legal information from 100+ countries. Most complete coverage of primary materials (legislation, regulations and case law) for all the Americas, and a collection of more than 8,000 books and journals in full text, from the most prestigious authors and publishers, as well as academic papers from renowned universities.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for Law.

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