- 1.
ClinicalKey eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey offers searching of over 1000 books, 500 journals, and 2500 procedural videos, evidence-based and peer reviewed.
ClinicalKey performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 2.
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials - EBSCOhost
Bibliography of controlled trials. Includes information from journals, conference proceedings and other sources not included in other databases.
This database from Ebsco will be discontinued in December 2024. It will be replaced by Cochrane Library thru Wiley
- 3.
Cochrane Clinical Answers (EBSCO) - EBSCOhost
Cochrane Clinical Answers is a physician-focused resource that provides answers to clinical questions. The content in Cochrane Clinical Answers is based on the high-quality evidence found in Cochrane systematic reviews.
This database from Ebsco will be discontinued in December 2024. It will be replaced by Cochrane Library thru Wiley
- 4.
Cochrane Collection Plus - EBSCOhost
Cochrane Collection Plus combines the most comprehensive databases from the Cochrane Library including: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Clinical Answers, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Methodology Register.
This database from Ebsco will be discontinued in December 2024. It will be replaced by Cochrane Library thru Wiley
- 5.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - EBSCOhost
Full-text articles/reviews, as well as protocols focusing on the effects of healthcare.
This database from Ebsco will be discontinued in December 2024. It will be replaced by Cochrane Library thru Wiley
Top - 6.
TRIP PRO - TRIP Database Ltd
The TRIP PRO Database is a clinical search engine designed to allow clinicians to quickly find answers to their clinical questions using the best available evidence.