Book Reviews databases for Alumni patrons
13 results. (See in alphabetical order)- 1.
Children's Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Selected and recommended by specialists in library service to children, listed books within Children's Core Collection encompass a wide variety of topics, including a new abundance of books on technology, social sciences and sciences.
- 2.
Emerald eJournals Premier - Emerald Group
Full-text articles from over 200 journals covering human resources, library science, marketing, management, operations, and other related topics. Provides detailed reviews (no full-text) for articles in an additional 300 management journals. Coverage back to Volume 1 Issue 1 for over 120 journals.
- 3.
Fiction Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
The selective list presented in this collection features classic and contemporary works of fiction recommended for a general adult audience, written in or translated into English. The best authors and their most widely-read works in literary and popular fiction (old and new) are listed, including mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, Westerns and romance.
- 4.
Gale Books and Authors - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Books and Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. The ideal convergence of science and serendipity, this online resource leverages the Internet’s unique capacity to create, build, communicate and sustain communities of readers.
- 5.
Gale Literature: LitFinder - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
International in scope, LitFinder covers all time periods and contains a wealth of primary literature content. This includes approximately 140,000 full-text poems, 800,000 poem citations and excerpts, 7,100 full-text short stories and novels, 3,800 full-text essays, 2,000 full-text speeches and 1,700 full-text plays. It also includes biographies, work summaries, photographs and a glossary.
- 6.
Graphic Novels Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
The growing popularity of this literary form makes it an increasingly important part of your school or public library offerings. Graphic Novels Core Collection highlights approximately 2,000 recommended titles with descriptive and evaluative annotations, plus cover art.
- 7.
Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for journal articles in library and information science since 1969.
- 8.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) - EBSCOhost
Citations and abstracts to periodical articles and other sources related to library and information sciences.
- 9.
Middle and Junior High Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Middle and Junior High Core Collection contains over 9,000 entries for nonfiction works, fiction and collections for children and adolescents, plus review sources and other professional aids for librarians and school media specialists. Entries provide complete bibliographic data, price, subject headings, a descriptive annotation and evaluative quotations from a review when available.
- 10.
Salem Press - Salem Press
Salem Press provides ebooks for broad informational and educational purposes only. Readers will discover a wealth of information in the following subjects: history, health, environmental sciences, and literature. Find critical reviews for fiction, primary source documents from History and biographies. The platform includes access to Magill's Literary Annual from 1977 to present.
- 11.
Senior High Core Collection (H. W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
This selective list of books recommended for young people in grades 9 through 12 is invaluable for collection development and maintenance, reader's advisory and curriculum support in the high school library.
- 12.
Ulrichsweb - ProQuest
Details on periodical titles including journals, magazines, newspapers, and other types of serial publications on all subjects. Includes full-text reviews.
- 13. - Public Web site
This version of WorldCat allows users to view tables of contents, summaries and reviews. Especially useful for locating libraries with a particular item; just type in your zip code. Note: WorldCat includes many - but not all - academic and public libraries. It does include NSU Libraries.