- 1.
Provides access to two cultural resources: The African American Experience and Daily Life Through History. Includes ebooks, interviews, maps, images, audio, music files, and timelines.
- 2.
Academic OneFile - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides citations and abstracts for articles from over 7400 primarily peer-reviewed journals in science, technology and medicine, as well as the humanities, social sciences, and more. Full text is available for 3300 of the journals. Also includes podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC, as well as full text for The New York Times.
- 3.
Academic OneFile Select - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Available on the state-of-the-art Gale PowerSearch platform, Gale Academic OneFile Select provides 24/7 remote access to a balanced collection of academic sources. Perfect for a broad spectrum of students, faculty and other researchers, Gale Academic OneFile Select contains more than 5,300 titles; more than 3,000 full-text titles in a wide variety of disciplines, including more than 3,800 peer-reviewed journals.
- 4.
Academic Video Online (AVON) - ProQuest
This video collection includes 67,000+ films. Content comes from 60 Minutes, BBC, Broadway, CNN, DSM-5/ICD-10, Medical Imaging in Video, PBS, World Newsreels Online, and many more. Subjects include: the Arts, architecture, dance, fashion, music, theater and opera, business, environmental studies, feature films, health, history, education, counseling and therapy, criminal justice, and more. All films are available year round with unlimited use.
- 5.
American Film Scripts Online - Alexander Street Press
Provides accurate and authorized versions of 1008 copyrighted screenplays. Titles include Bringing Up Baby, Network, In the Company of Men, Drugstore Cowboy, Marty, Your Friends and Neighbors, The Thomas Crown Affair, Suspicion, The Shawshank Redemption, Fort Apache, Notorious, and The Last Detail.
- 6.
Archives Unbound - Gale Cengage Learning
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students at the college and university level. Collections in Archives Unbound cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Collections are chosen for Archives Unbound based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students.
- 7.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics
Provides abstracts, cited references, times cited, and links to full text when available for articles in the arts and humanities (1975 to present). Part of Web of Science.
- 8.
Asian American Drama - Alexander Street Press
This edition of Asian American Drama contains 252 plays by 42 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more.
Top - 9.
Black Drama - Alexander Street Press
This edition of Black Drama contains approximately 1200 plays by 201 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.
- 10.
Black Thought & Culture - Alexander Street Press
Provides approximately 100,000 pages of monographs, essays, articles, speeches, and interviews written by leaders within the black community from the earliest times to the present.
- 11.
Book Citation Index - Clarivate Analytics
Provides deep indexing of scholarly book content and enhanced citation data for situating monograph publishing in the output of scholarly literature.
Top - 12.
Cambridge Core - Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Core includes content from Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online under one unified site. E-books include subjects in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Computer Sciences, and Sciences. E-books are presented in full image PDF using Adobe Reader and are supported by all popular browsers for viewing. The Cambridge Core also hosts the NSU Libraries full text journal subscriptions of almost 350 titles.
- 13.
Canadian Business and Current Affairs - ProQuest
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete is the nation's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic full-text reference and current events database. Available through the ProQuest Web interface, CBCA Complete combines full text and indexed content from all four CBCA database subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). Subject coverage is comprehensive and information is available from the broadest range of Canadian sources anywhere. With over 4.5 million records and more than 1,665 titles, CBCA Complete is ideal for anyone interested in current events, business, science, the arts, and academic information as produced in Canada.
- 14.
Chicago Complete Collection - Current Access - University of Chicago Press
The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- 15.
Credo Reference - Credo Reference
Credo Reference provides access to subject encyclopedias and handbooks on major subjects. Topic Page offers background information on a particular topic that can give you an easy starting point and pathways for further research. Mind Maps visually show relationships between topics and keywords.
Top - 16.
Daily Life Through History - ABC-CLIO
Provides full text information, maps, images, website links, etc. on folklore, cultures, and customs of peoples around the world from ancient times to the present.
Top - 17.
Ebook Central - ProQuest
Ebook Central is the new platform for accessing the NSU Libraries EBL e-books and former MyiLibrary ebook collections. Subject content includes Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Health & Medicine. E-books are downloadable for offline reading in both PDF and EPUB or can be read online with the e-book viewer.
- 18.
Essay & General Literature (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Citations for essays and articles contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works. Also provides full citations on collective titles indexed. Emphasis on the humanities and social sciences.
Top - 19.
Filmakers Library Online - Alexander Street Press
Filmakers Library Online provides award-winning documentaries with relevance across the curriculum including race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more. It presents points of view and historical and current experiences from diverse cultures and traditions world-wide. This release now provides 1,019 titles, equaling approximately 806 hours.
Top - 20.
Gale Academic OneFile - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides citations and abstracts for articles from over 7400 primarily peer-reviewed journals in science, technology and medicine, as well as the humanities, social sciences, and more. Full text is available for 3300 of the journals. Also includes podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC, as well as full text for The New York Times.
- 21.
Gale Academic OneFile Select - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Available on the state-of-the-art Gale PowerSearch platform, Gale Academic OneFile Select provides 24/7 remote access to a balanced collection of academic sources. Perfect for a broad spectrum of students, faculty and other researchers, Gale Academic OneFile Select contains more than 5,300 titles; more than 3,000 full-text titles in a wide variety of disciplines, including more than 3,800 peer-reviewed journals.
- 22.
Gale In Context: Biography - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides coverage of the most searched and studied people throughout the world. It is built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. Additionally, it offers authoritative reference content alongside, videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers. Users can search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text.
- 23.
Gale Literary Index - Gale Cengage Learning
Master index to Gale series on literary biography and literary criticism. It indexes author names and titles and provides citations to the print series.
- 24.
Gale Literature Resource Center - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides bibliographies and critical analyses of authors from various literary disciplines. Features primary works in a variety of genres, up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews.
- 25.
Gale Literature: Book Review Index - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale Literature: Book Review Index provides easy access to reviews of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media representing a wide range of popular, academic and professional interests. A variety of publications are indexed, including journals and national general interest publications and newspapers including: American Journal of Education, Belles Lettres, Books in Canada, Children's Book News, Choice, Essence, German Quarterly, Irish Literary Supplement, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, Middle East Policy, Mother Jones, New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, Times Literary Supplement, Village Voice, Women's Review of Books, World Literature Today, Yale Review, and many others.
- 26.
Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors provides access to the most complete and current entries of biographical and bibliographical data on more than 164,500 modern authors. Find authors based on occupation, role, historical period, name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text.
- 27.
Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series - Gale Cengage Learning
Includes Scribner literature titles that focus on different aspects of world and genre literature. Titles include African Writers, Latin American Writers, Ancient Writers, and more. Covers authors from the late 19th century to the present. Genre titles include Mystery and Suspense Writers, Science Fiction Writers, Writers for Young Adults, and more.
- 28.
Gale Literature: Something About the Author - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides comprehensive online access to all volumes ever printed in Gale's Something About the Author series, which examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults. The collection also includes the Something About the Author Autobiography Series.
- 29.
Gale Literature: Twayne’s Author Series - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers of the world within the context of the time period in which they lived. Features the content of more than 600 books from the print series United States Authors, English Authors, and World Authors. Users can search for a specific author, combine search criteria for a more complex search, or explore thematic and chronological topics.
- 30.
Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women’s Issues - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides a comprehensive coverage of issues that influence women's lives throughout the globe. Offers access to current full-text and pertinent backfile content. Covers topics such as civil rights, health, education, professional development, entrepreneurship, and more.
- 31.
Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to many academic journals and magazines covering all aspects of cooking and nutrition. The database includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.
- 32.
Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in the global community. This collection is updated on a daily basis for current content.
- 33.
Gale OneFile: Fine Arts - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale OneFile: Fine Arts is a periodical database providing articles on drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Content from databases such as the Wilson Art Index and the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) index are available in full text. Features such as Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
- 34.
Gale OneFile: Home Improvement - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides articles and home improvement-focused titles covering topics including architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and others.
- 35.
Gale OneFile: Pop Culture Studies - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that analyze and support popular culture. The database provides information useful for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses.
- 36.
Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy - Gale Cengage Learning
Covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions. This resource supports a broad range of topics from theological approaches to social issues.
- 37.
Gale Primary Sources - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale Primary Sources allows users to search across the Archives Unbound and Financial Times Historical Archive collections. It provides full-text primary source content, dependable metadata, and intuitive subject indexing.
- 38.
Graphic Novels Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
The growing popularity of this literary form makes it an increasingly important part of your school or public library offerings. Graphic Novels Core Collection highlights approximately 2,000 recommended titles with descriptive and evaluative annotations, plus cover art.
- 39.
Grove Encyclopedia of American Art - Oxford University Press
This acclaimed and wide-ranging searchable art encyclopedia has over 2000 entries and over 700 images on topics, terms and artists in the field of American Art. The encyclopedia covers many different eras from early sources right up to the present day.
Top - 40.
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Provides citations for articles in the humanities and social sciences published 1907-1984.
Top - 41.
Journal Citation Reports - Clarivate Analytics
Use Journal Citation Reports and explore the impact and influence of the world’s leading scholarly journals. Compare and understand the publishing activities, rising stars, and impactful groups influencing the direction of research. This product includes InCites Essential Science Indicators.
Users must create a Match my manuscript account to be able to use that feature in this database.
- 42.
Full-text articles from scholarly journals are available (from Volume 1 to issues published 2-5 years ago) in the arts, business, humanities, literature, social sciences, general science, mathematics and statistics
To view full-text PDF articles, you must allow popups for this site.
Top - 43.
L'Encyclopédie Découverte - World Book
L'Encyclopédie Découverte offers World Book’s excellent editorial content and rich media in Canadian French. Based on World Book’s Student Discovery Encyclopedia, L'Encyclopédie Découverte is written by expert contributors at a reading level appropriate for younger users who are native speakers and readers of French, as well as older students and adults for whom French is a second language. The site offers simple navigation, easy-to-read articles, thousands of illustrations, and a wealth of engaging activities.
- 44.
LGBT Studies in Video - Alexander Street Press
LGBT Studies in Video is a cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual people and the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community. This first-of-its-kind collection features award-winning documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and select feature films exploring LGBT history, gay culture and subcultures, civil rights, marriage equality, LGBT families, AIDS, transgender issues, religious perspectives on homosexuality, global comparative experiences, and other topics. The collection will have cross-disciplinary relevance beyond LGBT courses, serving research and teaching in sociology, anthropology, psychology, counseling, history, politica
Top - 45.
Making of America (University of Michigan) - Making of America (Michigan)
Making of America (MOA) represents a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure. Funded originally by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, MOA sought to involve research institutions and national consortia to develop common protocols and consensus for the selection, conversion, storage, retrieval, and use of digitized materials on a large, distributed scale.
- 46.
MIT Press D20 - MIT Press D2O
Collection of Open Access (OA) ebooks from MIT Press on business, arts and humanities, education, computers and engineering, medicine, psychology, political science, social sciences and science.
Top - 47.
New York Times (1851-2016) in ProQuest Historical Newspapers - ProQuest
Provides full page and article images with searchable full-text for the New York Times and its predecessor, the New York Times Daily News, from 1851 to 2016.
- 48.
North American Theatre Online - Alexander Street Press
Provides in-depth detail records for more than 10,000 plays, including many previously unpublished works by major authors; more than 1,000 playbills, posters, photographs, and related theatrical ephemera; and 40,000-plus pages of in-copyright reference texts.
- 49.
NSUWorks - Digital Commons/Bepress
NSUWorks is a service of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Libraries. Research, scholarly and creative output included in this institutional repository has been selected and deposited by NSU’s individual colleges, schools, centers and administrative departments. Online access is provided to both published and unpublished works by the NSU community. This includes journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, University publications, digital and multimedia collections. Contribution of completed works to this repository ensures long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.
Top - 50.
Periodicals Archive Online - ProQuest
Periodicals Archive Online spans the humanities and social sciences, across 37 key subject areas. It is international in scope with the inclusion of more than 150 foreign-language titles, of value both to customers in English-speaking countries and internationally. Coverage is from volume 1 issue 1 of each journal and all issues are digitized from cover to cover.
- 51.
Project Muse - Johns Hopkins University Press
Full-text ebooks and journals from scholarly journals and publishers in the humanities and social sciences, including arts, history, literature, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and more. All ebooks and journals are fully integrated for search and discovery.
- 52.
ProQuest Periodicals Archive Online Collection 1.2 - ProQuest
Periodicals Archive Online spans the humanities and social sciences, across 37 key subject areas. It is international in scope with the inclusion of more than 150 foreign-language titles, of value both to customers in English-speaking countries and internationally. Coverage is from volume 1 issue 1 of each journal and all issues are digitized from cover to cover.
Top - 53.
Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Provides 100 years of citations from leading U.S. magazines covering all subjects. Particularly useful for humanities and social science research, as well as for historical information on any subject.
- 54.
Religion Database - ProQuest
Provides details on doctrines and philosophies, reports on religious history, and related archeology. Religion Database also covers formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of specific religions. Primary faiths represented in the database are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.
- 55.
Research Library - ProQuest
Citations, abstracts, and selected full-text covering business, current affairs, economics, literature, religion, education, law, psychology, women's studies, arts and humanities, multiculturism, science, social science, health, and more.
Top - 56.
Shoah Foundation - ProQuest
The Visual History Archive (VHA) includes both the monumental Holocaust collection that had its genesis from Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" and resources from other crimes against humanity. The vast collection includes the complete testimonies from witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other notable genocides including the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), Nanjing Massacre (1937), Rwanda (1994), and Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1996). The resource includes firsthand primary source accountings with 53,000 recorded testimonies, 112,000 hours of video, participants from 63 countries and 39 languages, 1.8 million names, and 700,000 images.
Users must create a personal account to use this database. For more information about Visual History Archive see this guide.
Top - 57.
Taylor & Francis (e-journals) - Taylor & Francis
Collection contains over 1754 journals, primarily covering health, psychology, and social sciences.
- 58.
Theatre in Video - Alexander Street Press
Contains performances of the world's leading plays and more than 100 film documentaries.
Top - 59.
University of Chicago Press Complete Journals - University of Chicago Press
The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Top - 60.
Visual History Archive (VHA) USC Shoah Foundation - ProQuest
The Visual History Archive (VHA) includes both the monumental Holocaust collection that had its genesis from Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" and resources from other crimes against humanity. The vast collection includes the complete testimonies from witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust and other notable genocides including the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923), Nanjing Massacre (1937), Rwanda (1994), and Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1996). The resource includes firsthand primary source accountings with 53,000 recorded testimonies, 112,000 hours of video, participants from 63 countries and 39 languages, 1.8 million names, and 700,000 images.
Users must create a personal account to use this database. For more information about Visual History Archive see this guide.
Top - 61.
World Book Activity Corner - World Book
Activity Corner offers thousands of activities with easy, clear instructions, photographs, illustrations, and more. Every craft also contains a list of materials for easy reference and can be printed, e-mailed, or saved in its entirety to your personal computer.