Databases beginning with the letter "C" for Broward patrons
41 results.
- 1.
Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory Reports - Cabells
Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory Reports is designed to help researchers and academics match their manuscripts with the scholarly journals which are most likely to publish those manuscripts. The Journalytics area provides publishing information for each journal, including information for submission, review, author assistance, and analytics. With this information, authors can easily submit their manuscripts to the journals most receptive to their research. The Predatory Reports section features journals analyzed by over 60 behavioral indicators that are considered predatory.
- 2.
CABI Global Health - EBSCOhost
The definitive international public health database, Global Health is the only specialist bibliographic, abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice. Derived from over 5,000 journals, plus reports, books and conferences, Global Health contains over 1.2 million scientific records from 1973 to the present. Over 100,000 records added each year, and over 97% of these records include an abstract. Publications from over 158 countries in 50 languages are abstracted, and all relevant non-English language papers are translated to give access to research not available through any other database.
- 3.
Cambridge Core - Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Core includes content from Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online under one unified site. E-books include subjects in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Computer Sciences, and Sciences. E-books are presented in full image PDF using Adobe Reader and are supported by all popular browsers for viewing. The Cambridge Core also hosts the NSU Libraries full text journal subscriptions of almost 350 titles.
- 4.
Canadian Business and Current Affairs - ProQuest
Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) Complete is the nation's largest and most comprehensive bibliographic full-text reference and current events database. Available through the ProQuest Web interface, CBCA Complete combines full text and indexed content from all four CBCA database subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). Subject coverage is comprehensive and information is available from the broadest range of Canadian sources anywhere. With over 4.5 million records and more than 1,665 titles, CBCA Complete is ideal for anyone interested in current events, business, science, the arts, and academic information as produced in Canada.
- 5.
Caribbean Literature - Alexander Street Press
Presents fiction and poetry of hundreds of authors in their original language. Also includes manuscripts, archival materials, interviews, photographs, and audio files.
- 6.
Chicago Complete Collection - Current Access - University of Chicago Press
The e-journals published by the University of Chicago Press include subject coverage for the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences. Content is viewable in both HTML and PDF using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- 7.
Chicago Manual of Style Online - University of Chicago Press
Chicago Manual of Style Online provides full-text access to the guide's 17th edition. Aside from the full-text, the site contains an extensive FAQ section and additional tools, such as sample letters to editors and a citation quick guide.
- 8.
Children's Core Collection (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Selected and recommended by specialists in library service to children, listed books within Children's Core Collection encompass a wide variety of topics, including a new abundance of books on technology, social sciences and sciences.
- 9.
ChiltonLibrary - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides continuously updated domestic and import vehicle information. Offers repair, maintenance, labor estimating, and bulletin/recall information. Includes ASE test prep quizzes.
- 10.
Chronicle of Higher Education - Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. Provides news reports, reference lists, and editorials on all facets of higher education in the United States, Canada, and abroad. NSU has site wide access, which includes access to all articles. You do not have to subscribe to the Chronicle to access the articles. Please set up a free account with the Chronicle if you want to receive alerts.
- 11.
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) - Columbia University Press (CIAO)
The most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. CIAO publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.
- 12.
CINAHL Complete - EBSCOhost
CINAHL Complete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo.
- 13.
Civil War : Sources in U.S. History Online - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Explore writings from the Civil War by those who lived it. Sources in U.S. History Online: The Civil War includes primary source documents — personal narratives and memoirs, pamphlets and political speeches, sermons and songs, regimental histories and photograph albums, legal treatises and children's books — that present readers with a rare chance to learn firsthand what life was like when the violent divide between north and south threatened to destroy the United States.
- 14.
Classical Music in Video - Alexander Street Press
Classical Music in Video will be the definitive online collection for the study of classical music in video format. At completion it will contain 1,000 hours of classical music performances and master classes captured on video -approximately 1,500 performances in all. The collection will contain performances of all forms of classical music, including major orchestral performances by leading orchestras, plus chamber music, oratorio, and solo performances, along with master classes and interviews with master teachers from around the world.
- 15.
Classical Music Reference Library - Alexander Street Press
Contains reference materials spanning the entire history of Western classical music, including Baker's Dictionary of Music, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker's Student Encyclopedia of Music.
- 16.
Classical Scores Library: Volume I - Alexander Street Press
Contains over 5,000 classical music scores and manuscripts from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Includes full scores for piano and vocal and piano reductions.
- 17.
Clinical Pharmacology powered by ClinicalKey - Elsevier
A comprehensive drug reference that supports healthcare professionals in making sound medication decisions by providing the fastest access to the most current, accurate and clinically relevant drug information.
- 18.
ClinicalKey eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey offers searching of over 1000 books, 500 journals, and 2500 procedural videos, evidence-based and peer reviewed.
ClinicalKey performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 19.
ClinicalKey Nursing eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey Nursing provides evidence-based content including books, journals, videos, patient education handouts, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
ClinicalKey Nursing performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 20.
cloudLibrary - Bibliotheca
Extensive collection of popular fiction and non-fiction e-books and audio books for juvenile, young adult, and adult readers. E-books are borrowed, downloaded, and read using a REQUIRED app for multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop/notebook computers. The app is available for downloading from the Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, Microsoft Windows App Store, Google Chrome Web Store, or the Barnes & Noble Nook/Samsung Apps on Google Play.
NSU users login to your cloudLibrary user account with Shark ID and password. Alvin Sherman Library card holders login into your cloudLibrary user account with library card number as the Library Card ID and your last name as the Password/PIN.
- 21.
CloudSource OA - SirsiDynix
CloudSource OA is a collection of Open Access digital content from scholarly publishers. This content includes journal articles, etextbooks and ebooks.
- 22.
Cochrane Interactive Learning - Cochrane
Cochrane Interactive Learning is a series of high quality, online modules for conducting systematic reviews following Cochrane review methodology.
- 23.
Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences - Morgan & Claypool
The Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences e-book collection features unlimited access titles in the fields of Cell & Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, and Physiology.
Please note that content on this platform may take a few minutes to load.
- 24.
ComicsPlus Full Collection - LibraryPass, Inc.
ComicsPlus offers unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from a variety of publishers. Explore a diverse selection of titles from ABDO, Andrews McMeel, BOOM! Studios, Capstone, Dark Horse, Europe Comics, Fantagraphics, Humanoids, Image Comics, Kodansha, Lerner, Manga Classics, Papercutz, Tokyopop, TOON Books, UDON Entertainment, Yen Press, and more.
After logging in, users must create a ComicsPlus Full Collection personal account to use this database and the associated LibraryPass ComicsPlus app. When signing into the app search for Alvin Sherman Library.
- 25.
ComicsPlus Kids Library - LibraryPass, Inc.
ComicsPlus Kids offers unlimited, simultaneous access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from a variety of publishers. Explore a diverse selection of titles from ABDO, Andrews McMeel, BOOM! Studios, Capstone, Dark Horse, Europe Comics, Fantagraphics, Humanoids, Image Comics, Kodansha, Lerner, Manga Classics, Papercutz, Tokyopop, TOON Books, UDON Entertainment, Yen Press, and more.
After logging in, users must create a ComicsPlus Kids Library personal account to use this database and the associated LibraryPass ComicsPlus app. When signing into the app search for Alvin Sherman Library.
- 26.
Company Profiles - EBSCOhost
Company View offers a "home page" for each company, including expanded information, as well as a more robust user experience. Users can quickly find information on more than 1.1 million public and private companies, including parents and subsidiaries, key contacts, annual sales revenue, net profit, number of employees, line of business(es), etc., as well as high profile links to detailed company profiles, SWOT analyses, etc. as well as relational information such as industry and market reports.
- 27.
Comprehensive Clinical Psychology - Elsevier
Full-text of the 11-volume resource covers everything from the history of the field of clinical psychology to current thinking about training, professional standards and practices, and socio-cultural factors in mental health and illness.
- 28.
Computer Science Database - ProQuest
Provides information from scholarly journals, trade publications, and consumer titles. The database includes product reviews, database design and management, software, hardware, e-commerce, Web site development, intranets and extranets, and technology management.
- 29.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science - Clarivate Analytics
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science, accessed via Web of Science, helps researchers access the published literature from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions worldwide. This resource offers a complete view of conference proceedings and their impact on global research, letting you use cited reference searching to track emerging ideas and new research beyond what is covered in the journal literature.
- 30.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science and Humanities - Clarivate Analytics
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science and Humanities, accessed via Web of Science, helps researchers access the published literature from the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions worldwide. This resource offers a complete view of conference proceedings and their impact on global research, letting you use cited reference searching to track emerging ideas and new research beyond what is covered in the journal literature.
- 31.
Consumer Brand Analytics - SBRnet
Consumer Brand Analytics provides market size, demographics, social media and sports fan involvement for 200+ consumer brands in 19 product categories. It enables you to compare and contrast brands within a product category. Future enhancements will provide statistical analysis on brand loyalty and brand switching. The Brand Share Index compares how well a brand performs within a particular demographic segment of a brand relative to how the same brand performs among all users of the brand in a product category.
- 32.
Consumer Health Database - ProQuest
Provides full-text information covering numerous aspects of family health from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.
- 33.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Public Web site
The CPI represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households. User fees (such as water and sewer service) and sales and excise taxes paid by the consumer are also included. Income taxes and investment items (like stocks, bonds, and life insurance) are not included.
- 34. - EBSCOhost
The largest paid-publication subscription-based website in the world, this resource enables consumers to make better purchasing decisions on the products they are shopping for. Whether a user is looking to find the best deal on an LCD TV, or researching the top-recommended used vehicles, provides ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
- 35.
Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works - Alexander Street Press
Contains real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material.
- 36.
Counseling and Therapy in Video: Volumes 1-5 - Alexander Street Press
Collection of video for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling. Themes include aging, family, gender, race, sex and sexual abuse, and substance abuse.
- 37.
CQ Press Library - CQ Press
This database features content on Congress, voting and elections, the Supreme Court, public affairs, American government, and politics.
- 38.
CQ Researcher - CQ Press
CQ Researcher is your #1 source for original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues shaping our world. CQ Researcher is used by students, teachers, librarians, journalists, and more, who need to complete an assignment, prepare for a debate, or become a quick expert on a topic.
- 39.
Credo Reference - Credo Reference
Credo Reference provides access to subject encyclopedias and handbooks on major subjects. Topic Page offers background information on a particular topic that can give you an easy starting point and pathways for further research. Mind Maps visually show relationships between topics and keywords.
- 40.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video - Alexander Street Press
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video is a landmark collection that illustrates the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals serving on the front lines of justice and public safety. From law enforcement and corrections personnel, to first responders and victims advocates, this compilation of documentaries, training videos, and interviews visually depicts the theoretical principles and practical application of criminal justice and emergency response.
- 41.
Criminal Justice Database - ProQuest
Citations, abstracts, and selected full-text articles covering practical issues in crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency, police issues, and courtroom procedures.