Evidence Based Medicine databases for NSU patrons
4 results. (See in alphabetical order)- 1.
ClinicalKey eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey offers searching of over 1000 books, 500 journals, and 2500 procedural videos, evidence-based and peer reviewed.
ClinicalKey performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
- 2.
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database - Therapeutic Research Center/Faculty
Evidence-based resource contains over 1,000 product monographs providing up-to-date clinical information on natural and herbal medicines, and dietary supplements. Cited references are linked to PubMed abstracts when available.
- 3.
TRIP PRO - TRIP Database Ltd
The TRIP PRO Database is a clinical search engine designed to allow clinicians to quickly find answers to their clinical questions using the best available evidence.
- 4.
UpToDate - UpToDate
Illustrated, full-text, evidence-based topic guides provide clinical information on a wide variety of diseases and disorders including their diagnosis, management and therapy. Also includes drug information, as well as screening and prevention strategies.