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  • = recommended for younger students.


Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, & Directories databases for HPD patrons

26 results. (See in alphabetical order)

Top Picks

  1. 1. Credo ReferenceLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Credo Reference
    Credo Reference provides access to subject encyclopedias and handbooks on major subjects. Topic Page offers background information on a particular topic that can give you an easy starting point and pathways for further research. Mind Maps visually show relationships between topics and keywords.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  2. 2. Gale eBooksLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    e-Book database Online reference library of over 500 full text reference books Includes business plan handbooks, specialized encyclopedias, directories, and other books. Covers topics related to business, education, social sciences, sciences, humanities, and more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.

Also Recommended

  1. 1. ABC-CLIO eBook CollectionLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - ABC-CLIO
    EbooksOver 500 fully searchable, full-text ebooks in all subject areas. Includes many reference books. Create an individual user profile to create user-specific bookmarks, capture and store user notes, and create bibliographic citations.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  2. 2. Academic WriterLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - American Psychological Association
    Academic Writer is a web-based suite of integrated services and tools designed to help both develop and enhance research and writing skills as well as facilitate publication. Academic Writer is the official, authoritative online resource for instruction and reference related to the application and proper use of APA Style. 17 APA Reference Books are available for use in the RESEARCH tab. Academic Writer is optimized for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not recommended.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  3. 3. Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory ReportsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Cabells
    Cabell’s Journalytics and Predatory Reports is designed to help researchers and academics match their manuscripts with the scholarly journals which are most likely to publish those manuscripts. The Journalytics area provides publishing information for each journal, including information for submission, review, author assistance, and analytics. With this information, authors can easily submit their manuscripts to the journals most receptive to their research. The Predatory Reports section features journals analyzed by over 60 behavioral indicators that are considered predatory.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  4. 4. Chicago Manual of Style OnlineLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - University of Chicago Press
    Chicago Manual of Style Online provides full-text access to the guide's 17th edition. Aside from the full-text, the site contains an extensive FAQ section and additional tools, such as sample letters to editors and a citation quick guide.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  5. 5. Enciclopedia Estudiantil HallazgosLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos es una herramienta de aprendizaje de la lengua española para principiantes. Ofrece contenido editorial, multimedia y búsquedas interactivas para capturar la atención según los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje. El usuario puede alternar entre los idiomas Español e Inglés. (A colorful, fun reference site for Spanish-language beginners with easy-to read articles packed with graphics, videos, maps, and a wealth of engaging games and activities. It is designed to build key language and research skills, with the ability to toggle between English and Spanish.)
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  6. 6. Encyclopedia of Statistical SciencesLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
    e-Book database Provides full-text entries on all aspects of the statistical sciences.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  7. 7. Gale Directory LibraryLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    e-Book databaseContains Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, 46th and on Editions (2003-present); Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations; Business Rankings Annual; and Market Share Reporter
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  8. 8. Gale eBooks - Florida Electronic Library ResourceLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Online reference library of over 500 full text reference books. Includes business plan handbooks, specialized encyclopedias, directories, and other books. Covers topics related to business, education, social sciences, sciences, humanities, and more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  9. 9. Gale In Context: BiographyLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Provides coverage of the most searched and studied people throughout the world. It is built on a foundation of more than 650,000 biographical entries covering international figures from all time periods and areas of study. Additionally, it offers authoritative reference content alongside, videos, audio selections, images, primary sources, and magazine and journal articles from hundreds of major periodicals and newspapers. Users can search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender, as well as by keyword and full text.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  10. 10. Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship - Florida Electronic Library ResourceLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Gale Cengage Learning
    Gale OneFile: Entrepreneurship is updated daily and provides insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Users find more than 500 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals, including: Beverage Industry, Black Enterprise, Economist, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, HR Magazine, Real Estate Weekly, Restaurant Business, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, and more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  11. 11. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music OnlineLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Alexander Street Press
    Presents essays, images, and recordings on music research of all the world's peoples.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  12. 12. Gran Enciclopedia HispánicaLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Gran Enciclopedia Hispánica es una fuente de información abarcadora que incluye más de 100,000 artículos, así como mapas, videos, imagines, sonidos y multimedia. (A comprehensive Spanish-language reference tool for upper-level students. It features over 100,000 articles, 9,000 images and maps, and nearly 1,000 videos, animations, audio files, and interactive media.)
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  13. 13. Grove Encyclopedia of American ArtLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - Oxford University Press
    This acclaimed and wide-ranging searchable art encyclopedia has over 2000 entries and over 700 images on topics, terms and artists in the field of American Art. The encyclopedia covers many different eras from early sources right up to the present day.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  14. 14. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical TechnologyLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
    Presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, properties, manufacturing, and uses; on industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering; and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Describes established technology along with cutting edge topics of interest in the wide field of chemical technology.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  15. 15. Salem PressLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni. - Salem Press
    Salem Press provides ebooks for broad informational and educational purposes only. Readers will discover a wealth of information in the following subjects: history, health, environmental sciences, and literature. Find critical reviews for fiction, primary source documents from History and biographies. The platform includes access to Magill's Literary Annual from 1977 to present.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU Broward and Alumni.
  16. 16. ScienceDirect Reference WorksLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Elsevier
    e-Book database Full-text reference works including: Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Encyclopedia of Psychotherapy, Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, and International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences.
    Click on "Reference Works" tab after login.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  17. 17. Scientific Style and Format OnlineLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - University of Chicago Press
    For more than fifty years, authors, editors, and publishers in the scientific community have turned to Scientific Style and Format for authoritative recommendations on all matters of writing style and citation. Developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the leading professional association in science publishing, this indispensable guide encompasses all areas of the sciences. Now in its eighth edition, it has been fully revised to reflect today’s best practices in scientific publishing.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  18. 18. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial ChemistryLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
    Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Subject areas include: inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering and unit operations, analytical methods, environmental protection, and many more.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  19. 19. UlrichswebLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - ProQuest
    Details on periodical titles including journals, magazines, newspapers, and other types of serial publications on all subjects. Includes full-text reviews.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  20. 20. World Book AdvancedLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Recommended for grades 7-14 Full-text of the World Book Encyclopedia, Dictionary and Atlas. Includes text entries, maps, tables, sound clips, images, videos, and special reports. Downloadable ebooks from E-book Center includes thousands of fiction, and non-fiction e-books with selections in nine languages.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  21. 21. World Book DiscoverLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Recommended for reluctant readersOffers differentiated instruction to meet the needs of reluctant readers, ELL, ESL, and adult literacy students. It includes reference articles, text-to-speech capabilities, learning and life skills activities, research and translation tools, multimedia, and interactive video to draw students into curriculum-related topics and subjects relevant to older students. Teacher resources available.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  22. 22. World Book KidsLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Recommended for younger students Based on the World Book's Student Discovery Encyclopedia, the content is chosen and written for younger readers. Thousands of colorful illustrations, diagrams, and maps enhance learning. Teacher resources available.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  23. 23. World Book OnlineLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Recommended for young scholars of all agesEntry for all World Book products: Kids, Student, Advanced, Discover... all from one launch pad! Direct link to Science Power.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  24. 24. World Book StudentLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - World Book
    Recommended for grades 3-12For grades 3-12, this includes an atlas, timelines, articles, multimedia, and special topic reports. Teacher resources available.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.