- 1.
ACM Digital Library - Association for Computing Machinery
Full text articles on computing and information technology from ACM journals, magazines, proceedings, and newsletters. Coverage: 1985 to current. A new addition to the ACM Digital Library is the availability of ACM E-Books, a collection of texts spanning computer science including graduate level textbooks, research monographs providing an overview of established and emerging fields, professional books for the practitioner, and titles focusing on the history of computing. All e-books are available in PDF and downloadable ePub formats.
- 2.
Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for literature on aquatic science resources including aquatic science, aquatic organisms, fisheries, and oceanography. Covers serials, books, reports, conference proceedings, and limited distribution literature. Includes 5 subfiles which can be searched individually or in combination.
Top - 3.
ERIC (ProQuest) - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for education literature, including articles, books, papers, proceedings and other documents from 1966 to present. Includes links to full-text for most ERIC documents (ED) from 1993 to present. Need help? Watch this video.
- 4.
ERIC Thesaurus - Public Web site
The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors contains an alphabetical listing of terms used for indexing and searching in the ERIC database. Use it before a search to determine which terms will retrieve the maximum number of relevant documents.
Top - 5.
Guide to Computing Literature - Association for Computing Machinery
Provides bibliographic citations and abstracts for works on computing from ACM and over 3000 other publishers. Indexes books, journal articles, conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and technical reports.
Top - 6.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) - IEEE
The IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) is your single source for more than 30% of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science. Through IEL you can access: journals, conference proceedings and standards from IEEE, plus select content dating as far back as 1872. More than 3 million articles, over 160 IEEE journals, magazines and transactions, and proceedings from IEEE conference titles. Over 2,400 approved and published IEEE active standards.
Top - 7.
SciTech Connect - Public Web site
Find technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information sponsored by DOE through a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or similar type of funding mechanism from the 1940s to today.