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Dissertations databases for HPD patrons

11 results. (See in alphabetical order)

Top Picks

  1. 1. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses GlobalLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - ProQuest
    Bibliographic database of information about doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Citations for dissertations beginning in 1861, abstracts for dissertations published from 1980 forward, and full-text from 1997 forward. Select open access dissertations are also included.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  2. 2. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Nova Southeastern UniversityLocal access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users. - ProQuest
    ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ Nova Southeastern University database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at NSU. Click here to learn more about locating dissertations.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU and Broward users.
  3. 3. NSUWorksLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Digital Commons/Bepress
    NSUWorks is a service of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Libraries. Research, scholarly and creative output included in this institutional repository has been selected and deposited by NSU’s individual colleges, schools, centers and administrative departments. Online access is provided to both published and unpublished works by the NSU community. This includes journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, University publications, digital and multimedia collections. Contribution of completed works to this repository ensures long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  4. 4. MARPs, Practicums, and Applied DissertationsLocal access only for NSU and Alumni. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni. - NSU
    Index to collection of NSU MARPs (Major Applied Research Projects), practicums, and applied dissertations written by students at NSU. Most are work-based, problem-solving research projects required by NSU's graduate education programs. The database provides citations and if available, full-text documents in PDF. Click here to learn more about locating dissertations.
    Local access only for NSU and Alumni. Remote access only for NSU and Alumni.
  5. 5. WorldCat.orgLocal access for all users. Remote access is not available. - Public Web site
    This version of WorldCat allows users to view tables of contents, summaries and reviews. Especially useful for locating libraries with a particular item; just type in your zip code. Note: WorldCat includes many - but not all - academic and public libraries. It does include NSU Libraries.
    Local access for all users. Remote access is not available.

Also Recommended

  1. 1. APA PsycInfoLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
    Citations and abstracts to literature in psychology, the behavioral sciences, and other related disciplines. Includes psychological research and its applications. Contains material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  2. 2. ERIC (ProQuest)Local access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
    Citations and abstracts for education literature, including articles, books, papers, proceedings and other documents from 1966 to present. Includes links to full-text for most ERIC documents (ED) from 1993 to present. Need help? Watch this video.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  3. 3. ERIC ThesaurusLocal access for all users. Remote access is not available. - Public Web site
    The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors contains an alphabetical listing of terms used for indexing and searching in the ERIC database. Use it before a search to determine which terms will retrieve the maximum number of relevant documents.
    Local access for all users. Remote access is not available.
  4. 4. Essential Science IndicatorsLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - Clarivate Analytics
    This unique and comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Thomson Scientific databases. It is an ideal analytical resource for policymakers, administrators, analysts and information specialists in government agencies, universities, corporations, private laboratories, publishing companies and foundations, as well as members of the scientific press and recruiters.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  5. 5. ProQuest One AcademicLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
    Search four databases on one platform. ProQuest One Academic includes ProQuest Central (covering 160 subject areas), Academic Complete (a collection of 150,000 ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access), ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, and Academic Video Online (AVON), a collection of 67,000 academic videos across multiple subjects.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.
  6. 6. PsycINFOLocal access only for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU. - ProQuest
    Citations and abstracts to literature in psychology, the behavioral sciences, and other related disciplines. Includes psychological research and its applications. Contains material of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
    Local access for all registered users. Remote access only for NSU.