Databases beginning with the letter "T" for Alumni patrons
12 results.
- 1.
Taxation & Economic Reform in America, a Historical Archive, 1781-2009 - William S. Hein & Co.
- 2.
Taylor & Francis (e-journals) - Taylor & Francis
Collection contains over 1754 journals, primarily covering health, psychology, and social sciences.
- 3.
Taylor & Francis ebooks - Taylor & Francis
Full text ebooks on the following subjects: humanities, social science, behavioral science, law and science. Includes Routledge Handbooks Online.
- 4.
Teacher Reference Center - EBSCOhost
Index of over 260 education trade journals, periodicals, and books, providing coverage of key education topics such as assessment, continuing education, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, instructional media, language arts, literacy standards, science & mathematics, and more.
- 5.
Tech-Talk - Shared Results International
Tech-Talk is a collection of articles and videos contributed weekly by top training experts. The resource's focus is to assist users with staying current in using technology and becoming better communicators in the workplace. Authorized users have the option to access the resource through the Tech-Talk mobile app available either on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
- 6.
Telecommunications Database - ProQuest
Provides coverage of the telecommunications industry from over 115 full text journals.
- 7.
Teseo - Public Web site
Teseo es un sistema de gestión de tesis doctorales presentadas en las universidades españolas desde 1976. Proporciona herramientas para el seguimiento y consulta de cada ficha de tesis, desde que se da de alta y se incorporan los datos de la ficha de tesis al sistema hasta que se publica en Internet tras su lectura y aprobación.
- 8.
Theatre in Video - Alexander Street Press
Contains performances of the world's leading plays and more than 100 film documentaries.
- 9.
Thieme MedOne ComSci - Thieme
MedOne ComSci is a teaching and learning resource of publications in audiology, speech-language pathology, and hearing science. Consisting of current ebooks, ejournals, cases and media, users can search all of MedOne’s ComSci online content in one single search box and limit results to e-books, media, e-journals, or PubMed abstracts.
- 10.
Thieme MedOne Education - Thieme
The Thieme MedOne Education platform contains textbooks, journals, media and color atlases covering every course in the medical school curriculum. The library is updated on an on-going basis with new editions and new topics.
- 11.
Toxline - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for literature on all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and mutagens and teratogens.
- 12.
Twentieth Century North American Drama - Alexander Street Press
This edition of Twentieth Century North American Drama contains 1,386 plays by 209 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.