Databases beginning with the letter "N" for Alumni patrons
20 results.
- 1.
National Center for Biotechnology Information - National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) : The Bookshelf provides free online access to over 8,000 books and documents in life science and healthcare.
- 2.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Public Web site
Provides crime, justice and substance abuse related information. Tab to Library Abstracts, this resource includes summaries of more than 205,000 justice and substance abuse resources. This site includes statistics and full text government resources.
- 3.
National Geographic Virtual Library: People, Animals, and the World - Gale Cengage Learning
Provides access to digital content from National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic History magazine, full-text on travel, science & technology, history, environment, animals, photography, and peoples & cultures. Includes videos, full-color maps, and hundreds of National Geographic images.
- 4.
National Security Archive - George Washington University - Public Web site
Founded in 1985 by journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy, the National Security Archive combines a unique range of functions: investigative journalism center, research institute on international affairs, library and archive of declassified U.S. documents.
- 5. Complete - Nature-NPG Complete provides unlimited access to content on the platform, including archived content back to the first issues of all NPG journals.
- 6.
NCBI Bookshelf - National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) : The Bookshelf provides free online access to over 8,000 books and documents in life science and healthcare.
- 7.
New York Times (1851-2016) in ProQuest Historical Newspapers - ProQuest
Provides full page and article images with searchable full-text for the New York Times and its predecessor, the New York Times Daily News, from 1851 to 2016.
- 8.
Nexis Uni - LexisNexis
Selected full-text articles, broadcast transcripts, speeches, biographies, laws, legal cases, SEC filings, company profiles, statistics, and other sources covering general news, business information, legal materials, medical and health information, and general reference information.
- 9.
Nexis Uni Book, Movie, Play, and Video Reviews - LexisNexis
Book, movie, play, and video reviews from a variety of U.S. and international newspapers, magazines, and journals.
- 10.
Nexis Uni Legal - LexisNexis
Searches law reviews and journals.
- 11.
Nexis Uni News - LexisNexis
Contains newspapers, wire services, magazines, and blogs from around the world.
- 12.
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories - Alexander Street Press
Provides more than 100,000 pages of personal narratives including letters, diaries, pamphlets, autobiographies, and oral histories describing what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada. Several thousand pages of Ellis Island Oral History interviews are included.
- 13.
North American Indian Drama - Alexander Street Press
This first release of North American Indian Drama contains 93 plays by 18 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes the Native Playwrights' Newsletter, a unique resource, containing a wealth of original essays, articles, photographs, interviews, reviews, and production information related to the plays.
- 14.
North American Theatre Online - Alexander Street Press
Provides in-depth detail records for more than 10,000 plays, including many previously unpublished works by major authors; more than 1,000 playbills, posters, photographs, and related theatrical ephemera; and 40,000-plus pages of in-copyright reference texts.
- 15.
North American Women's Drama - Alexander Street Press
This edition of North American Women's Drama contains 1,517 plays by 330 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more.
- 16.
North American Women's Letters and Diaries - Alexander Street Press
Provides personal experiences of hundreds of women over 300 years. Contains approximately 150,000 pages of letters and diaries from Colonial times to 1950, including 7,000 pages of previously unpublished manuscripts. More than 1,500 biographies enhance the use of the database.
- 17.
NSUWorks - Digital Commons/Bepress
NSUWorks is a service of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Libraries. Research, scholarly and creative output included in this institutional repository has been selected and deposited by NSU’s individual colleges, schools, centers and administrative departments. Online access is provided to both published and unpublished works by the NSU community. This includes journal articles, books, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, University publications, digital and multimedia collections. Contribution of completed works to this repository ensures long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility.
- 18.
Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive - EBSCOhost
Full text of selected journals indexed in CINAHL. Subject areas include nursing, biomedicine, health sciences, consumer health and allied health disciplines.
- 19.
Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
- 20.
Nutrition Reference Center - EBSCOhost
Nutrition Reference Center, the premier point-of-care tool designed specifically for dietitians and nutritionists, users can access trusted resources for education, practice and research to provide their patients with the highest level of care possible