Databases beginning with the letter "E" for NSU patrons
34 results.
- 1.
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection - ProQuest
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science contains full-text titles from around the world on various aspects of earth, atmospheric, and aquatic sciences, including atmosphere dynamics, aquaculture, forecasting, conservation, climatology, geophysics, meteorology, paleontology, seismology, and more.
- 2.
Ebook Central - ProQuest
Ebook Central is the new platform for accessing the NSU Libraries EBL e-books and former MyiLibrary ebook collections. Subject content includes Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Health & Medicine. E-books are downloadable for offline reading in both PDF and EPUB or can be read online with the e-book viewer.
- 3.
Ebook Central HPD - ProQuest
Ebook Central is the new platform from ProQuest for the former EBL and MyiLibrary ebook collections.
- 4.
eBook Collection - EBSCOhost
Ebsco eBook Collection provides full-text e-books and e-audio books in all subject areas. Current collection includes over 50,000 titles. Find e-books and e-audio in all subject areas and over 90 percent of the titles are downloadable. Many titles in this collection are shared with other institutions and have single-use access. Need help downloading ebooks? Try this guide!
- 5.
eBook Collection HPD - EBSCOhost
Full-text electronic books in all subject areas. Current collection includes over 50,000 copyright-protected eBooks along with an additional 3400 public-domain texts.
- 6.
EBSCOhost databases - EBSCOhost
Search across multiple EBSCOhost databases. The Health Professions collection includes Medline, Alt HealthWatch, AgeLine, CINAHL, IPA, SportDiscus, CDSR, DARE, CCTR, Biomedical Reference Collection, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, and Pre-CINAHL. The Alvin Sherman collection includes Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts and Teacher Reference Center. Both include Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Internacional.
- 7.
ECRI Guidelines Trust - ECRI Guidelines Trust
The ECRI Guidelines Trust® is a publicly available online repository of objective, evidence-based clinical practice guideline content. Its purpose is to provide physicians, nurses, other healthcare providers and professionals, and members of the healthcare community with current clinical practices to advance safe and effective patient care globally. This centralized repository includes evidence-based guidance developed by nationally and internationally recognized medical organizations and medical specialty societies.
Free ResourceFree resource requested by librarians
- 8.
Education Database (ProQuest) - ProQuest
Provides literature on primary, secondary, and higher education. Includes special education, home schooling, adult education, and other education topics.
- 9.
Education in Video - Alexander Street Press
Education in Video is the first online collection of streaming video developed specifically for training and developing teachers. More than 1,000 video titles totaling 750+ hours of teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms give your education students a way to observe the intricacies of behavior, tone, facial expression, and body language that define effective teaching styles. The collection's wealth of course, study, and discussion guides; assessment checklists; and themed playlists give your education faculty ready-to-use teaching tools.
- 10.
Education Source - EBSCOhost
This massive file offers the world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, and encompasses an international array of English-language periodicals, monographs, yearbooks and more. As the complete source of education scholarship, Education Source covers all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, as well as all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education and testing. Need help? Watch this video.
- 11.
EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) - ProQuest
Commodity Reports, Country Data Reports, SWOT, Market Research, and Industry Reports from EIU and BMI are provided via ProQuest ABI/Inform Complete.
- 12.
El Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal - Public Web site
El Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal es un sistema de información académica, sin fines de lucro y de consulta gratuita, especializado en revistas académicas editadas en Iberoamérica; ofrece también información sobre revistas de vocación latinoamericanista editadas fuera de la región.
- 13.
ElgarOnline - Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
Global and comparative law collection spanning a wide range of subject areas and publication formats, founded on the twin pillars of quality and originality, and serving all levels of the global academic market. Elgaronline titles not only interpret and articulate the law but also innovate and challenge the status quo, often comparing systems or drawing lessons from other disciplines. Subjects include: Antitrust & Competition Law, Banking & Finance Law, Commercial Law, Company & Corporate Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional & Administrative Law, Crime & Corruption, Environment & Energy Law, European Law, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, International Economic Law & the WTO, International Investment Law, Labor & Employment Law, Law & Development, Law & Economics, Law in Asia, Legal Education & the Legal Profession, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Law, Philosophy of Law & Legal Theory, Private International Law, Public International Law, Regulation & Governance, Technology & Information Law.
- 14. - Elsevier
Information on pharmacological and biomedical literature from EMBASE (since 1974) and from MEDLINE (since 1966). Includes Medline and other unique title indexing.
Includes : EMTREE tool medical terminology thesaurus.
- 15.
Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series - Emerald Group
Business, Management and Economics - a growing collection of more than 650 volumes from over 80 eBook Series titles in 15 subject areas. Featuring innovative, international and quality content, this collection reinforces Emerald's position as the world's leading publisher in business and management research.
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Emerald eJournals Premier - Emerald Group
Full-text articles from over 200 journals covering human resources, library science, marketing, management, operations, and other related topics. Provides detailed reviews (no full-text) for articles in an additional 300 management journals. Coverage back to Volume 1 Issue 1 for over 120 journals.
- 17.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos - World Book
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos es una herramienta de aprendizaje de la lengua española para principiantes. Ofrece contenido editorial, multimedia y búsquedas interactivas para capturar la atención según los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje. El usuario puede alternar entre los idiomas Español e Inglés. (A colorful, fun reference site for Spanish-language beginners with easy-to read articles packed with graphics, videos, maps, and a wealth of engaging games and activities. It is designed to build key language and research skills, with the ability to toggle between English and Spanish.)
- 18.
Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature is an authoritative resource that covers British artistic, literary, and intellectual movements between 1780 and 1830, within the context of European, transatlantic and colonial historical and cultural interaction.
- 19.
Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
Provides full-text entries on all aspects of the statistical sciences.
- 20.
Entrepreneurial Studies Source - EBSCOhost
Entrepreneurial Studies Source offers users full text for more than 125 key periodicals, 135 reference books, numerous case studies, thousands of company profiles and over 600 videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Seminar Series and Vator.TV, one of the world's largest social network sites for high-tech entrepreneurs.
- 21.
Environmental Science Collecton - ProQuest
Provides concise abstracts of environmental impact statements produced by the Federal government. Each abstract includes description of the project, sections on positive impact and negative consequences, and legal mandates.
- 22.
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) contains records and links to hundreds of thousands of full-text documents. It includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers.
- 23.
ERIC (ProQuest) - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for education literature, including articles, books, papers, proceedings and other documents from 1966 to present. Includes links to full-text for most ERIC documents (ED) from 1993 to present. Need help? Watch this video.
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ERIC - Public Website - Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) contains citations and abstracts for education literature, including articles, books, papers, proceedings and other documents from 1966 to present and is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences and the United States Department of Education.
- 25.
ERIC Thesaurus - Public Web site
The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors contains an alphabetical listing of terms used for indexing and searching in the ERIC database. Use it before a search to determine which terms will retrieve the maximum number of relevant documents.
- 26.
Essay & General Literature (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Citations for essays and articles contained in collections of essays and miscellaneous works. Also provides full citations on collective titles indexed. Emphasis on the humanities and social sciences.
- 27.
Essential Science Indicators - Clarivate Analytics
This unique and comprehensive compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data is based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Thomson Scientific databases. It is an ideal analytical resource for policymakers, administrators, analysts and information specialists in government agencies, universities, corporations, private laboratories, publishing companies and foundations, as well as members of the scientific press and recruiters.
- 28.
Exam Master - Dental NBDE Part 1 - Exam Master Corp.
Practice tests for the NBDE Pt. 1 (Dentistry). Delivers feedback on user performance. Offers access to 17,000 questions, some accompanied by multimedia content, and explanations. Registration required.
THIS RESOURCE WILL BE DOWN FOR UPDATES - January 26 - 27 2025 ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
- 29.
Exam Master - Medicine USMLE - Exam Master Corp.
Practice tests for the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam Steps 1, 2, and 3; Certification Review Series; Medical Subject review Tests Delivers feedback on user performance. Offers access to 17,000 questions, some accompanied by multimedia content, and explanations. Registration required.
THIS RESOURCE WILL BE DOWN FOR UPDATES - January 26 - 27 2025 ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
- 30.
Exam Master - Nursing NCLEX-RN - Exam Master Corp.
Nursing students will love using both the test mode and study mode as they prepare for the NCLEX-RN. Our board review for the NCLEX-RN nursing examination offers detailed rationales for each question and reflects the National Council of State Boards of Nursing's latest test plan
THIS RESOURCE WILL BE DOWN FOR UPDATES - January 26 - 27 2025 ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
- 31.
Exam Master - Pharmacy - Exam Master Corp.
Practice tests for the NAPLEX (Pharmacy) and more. Delivers feedback on user performance. Offers access to 17,000 questions, some accompanied by multimedia content, and explanations. Registration required.
THIS RESOURCE WILL BE DOWN FOR UPDATES - January 26 - 27 2025 ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
- 32.
Exam Master - Physician Assistants - Exam Master Corp.
Practice tests for the PANCE/PANRE (Physician Assistants) and more. Delivers feedback on user performance. Offers access to 17,000 questions, some accompanied by multimedia content, and explanations. Registration required.
THIS RESOURCE WILL BE DOWN FOR UPDATES - January 26 - 27 2025 ** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
- 33.
Exercise Science Collection - Ovid
LWW Health Library for Exercise Science covers areas of theoretical knowledge–such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, and motor control–that all students enrolled in the Exercise Science undergraduate programs must master.
Faculty members can contact the HPD Library for additional related instructional resources : Powerpoint slides, question banks, image banks.
- 34.
Expanding Physics - IOP Publishing,Inc.
IOP Expanding Physics publishes high-quality texts from leading voices across the research landscape on key areas in physics and related subject areas.