Grants & Scholarships databases for Panza Maurer Law Library patrons
4 results. (See in alphabetical order)- 1.
Foundation Directory Online Professional - Candid
Foundation Directory Online Professional allows you to locate funding for your nonprofit school, church or other organization by providing access to over 96,000 grantmakers and their grants. It features foundations, public charities, and corporate funders, allowing searches by subject or grant recipient. Includes an RFP feature. You can also chart a grantmaker’s giving by year, and see who they gave to in specific locations. Includes Foundation Grants to Individuals.
This database is only available from within the Alvin Sherman Library.
- 2.
Gale Directory Library - Gale Cengage Learning
Contains Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, 46th and on Editions (2003-present); Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations; Business Rankings Annual; and Market Share Reporter
- 3. - United States Government
Provides a unified site for interaction between grant applicants and the US Federal agencies that manage grant funds.
- 4.
SPIN - InfoED Global
SPIN is a funding opportunities database. SPIN tracks over 40,000 global funding opportunities from governments, foundations, and commercial entities.
Users with an NSU email address may create an account for remote access by going here.