Journal Article with DOI

Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title: And subtitle. Journal Title, Vol(Issue), page range numbers. doi retrieval information


Formatting the DOI number:

At the end of the reference do not place a period after the DOI statement. Unless directed to do so by your professor or editor (author guidelines) do not make the DOI an active link. Remove the active URL code using your word processing tool options.

Be consistent and format DOIs the same way throughout the reference list. If you are not sure which version to use consult with your professor or editor.

Generally, if using the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.), use doi:xxxxx . . . if using APA Style Guide for Electronic References, . . . or use the newest version of Crossref DOI Display Guidelines —

There are incorrect ways to include the DOI. Do not include “Retrieved from” or “Available from.” Do not include database information or library login text in the DOI URL.

Examples of incorrect use of DOI retrieval statements:

DOI: 10.4135/9780857028037
Retrieved from

Two or more authors have a comma included in the list within the reference — this deviates from in-text where a comma is included for sources that have three or more authors.

When there seven or fewer authors, list all of them in the order they appear on the article. Use an ampersand (&) before the last author instead of spelling out the word “and.” If there are more than seven authors list the first six authors followed by an ellipses and then the last author’s name — do not include an ampersand.

APA Style dictates for periodical references (journals, magazines, etc.) that the issue number is included when the periodical is paginated by issue (each issue starts with page 1). In those cases where pagination is throughout all issues of a volume, include only the volume number and exclude the issue number. Some persons choose to include the issue number in all cases to provide clarity — when working on a paper, assignment, or item for publication consult with your professors and editors about following this rule. More information in the APA Style Blog and page 198 of the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

More Examples

Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title: And subtitle. Journal Title, Vol(Issue), page range numbers. doi retrieval information

Agee, J. (2009). Developing qualitative research questions: A reflective process. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 22(4), 431-447.

Thompson, N., & Pascal, J. (2012). Developing critically reflective practice. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 13(2), 311-325.

Hulme, R., Cracknell, D., & Owens, A. (2009). Learning in third spaces: Developing trans-professional understanding through practitioner enquiry. Educational Action Research17(4), 537-550. doi:10.1080/09650790903309391