Applied Technology databases for Alumni patrons
8 results. (See in alphabetical order)- 1.
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Indexes articles from over 1,400 English-language periodicals, including books reviews and specialized magazines, from 1913-1982. Track down important studies, explore historical controversies (such as the effects of pesticides on the environment, the rise and fall of Thalidomide, or the dawn of the global economy), find papers by innovators, research the development of a particular technology, and more.
- 2.
Derwent Innovations Index - Clarivate Analytics
Provides patent data, letting you conduct patent and citation searches of inventions in chemical, electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering. Includes 14.3 million inventions from 40 worldwide patent-issuing authorities.
- 3.
Gale OneFile: Science - Gale Cengage Learning
Offers content covering current scientific developments in particle physics, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, and many other areas. Full-text, non-embargoed journals are included. The collection is updated daily and key subjects covered include the biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.
- 4.
GeoScienceWorld - GeoScienceWorld
GeoScienceWorld is a comprehensive Internet resource for research and communications in the geoscience and is built on a core database aggregation of peer-reviewed journals indexed, linked, and interoperable with the GeoRef database. GSW provides electronic access to the journals and archives of more than 46 top-tier digital journals from 28 pre-eminent global publishers. GSW is also a host to ten (10) scholarly e-book society and university press publishers dedicated to the study of the earth sciences commencing with 2017 publication year. Publishers included Geological Society of America, Geological Society of London, NRC Research Press, and SEPM Society of Sedimentary Geology.
- 5.
Science Database - ProQuest
Full-text articles from over 900 periodicals in science and technology. Subject coverage includes computers, engineering, physics, telecommunications, and transportation.
- 6.
SciTech Connect - Public Web site
Find technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information sponsored by DOE through a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or similar type of funding mechanism from the 1940s to today.
- 7.
Springer Nature Link - Springer
Provides full text for approximately 1,600 subscribed journals and e-books, including Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Citations and abstracts are also available. Sources include journals, books, and reference works in many subjects, including computer science, technology, earth and environmental science, mathematics, chemistry, behavioral sciences, business/economics, biomedical/life sciences, and medicine.
- 8.
Telecommunications Database - ProQuest
Provides coverage of the telecommunications industry from over 115 full text journals.