- 1.
Academic Video Online (AVON) - ProQuest
This video collection includes 67,000+ films. Content comes from 60 Minutes, BBC, Broadway, CNN, DSM-5/ICD-10, Medical Imaging in Video, PBS, World Newsreels Online, and many more. Subjects include: the Arts, architecture, dance, fashion, music, theater and opera, business, environmental studies, feature films, health, history, education, counseling and therapy, criminal justice, and more. All films are available year round with unlimited use.
- 2.
Advanced Practice Nursing Collection - Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Available through the LWW Health Library, the Advanced Practice Nursing Collection supports both the practice and specialty based areas of the curriculum for nurses working on either their Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN), or their Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Faculty members can contact the HPD Library for additional related instructional resources : Powerpoint slides, question banks, image banks.
Top - 3.
Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination Online with OSCE's - Wolters Kluwer Health
Online, interactive clinical skills training for students in any healthcare program at your institution — MD, DO, PA, NP, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, exercise science, and pharmacy.Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination delivers videos featuring step-by-step, head-to-toe, and systems-based physical examination techniques, as well as interactive OSCE clinical reasoning modules and new communication and interpersonal skills videos. Based on the Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking guidebook, this online resource maintains the book’s evidence-based origins and focuses on clinical accuracy and the range of patient types profiled in the series. Videos are easily accessible for any student or instructor via a single point of access on a robust, reliable online platform, which helps to standardize instruction across your institution.
- 4.
Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive - EBSCOhost
Full-text articles from selected journals indexed in MEDLINE. Subject areas include clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pre-clinical sciences, the health care system, and more.
- 5.
Books@Ovid - Ovid
Full-text of key medical, nursing, and pharmacy texts from a variety of publishers.
A new banner displays across all areas of Ovid. Users must select their cookie preferences. If a user selects “Accept All Cookies”, their experience will remain unchanged from how it is today. If a user selects “Reject All Cookies” or doesn’t make a selection, they’ll lose functions such as the ability to see their history or some features that may be relevant to them. Selections will be retained for a period of one year, then they’ll be asked to re-verify their selections. When users don't allow cookies, Wolters Kluwer won't have statistics on usage data to share.
Top - 6.
CINAHL Complete - EBSCOhost
CINAHL Complete is the world's most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo.
- 7.
Clinical Skills - Elsevier
Clinical Skills provides online video skills and procedures reference system for medical training and education.
- 8.
ClinicalKey Nursing eBooks - Elsevier
ClinicalKey Nursing provides evidence-based content including books, journals, videos, patient education handouts, practice guidelines and clinical trials.
ClinicalKey Nursing performs best while using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers.
Top - 9.
Drug Information Portal - National Library of Medicine
The Drug Information Portal at http://druginfo.nlm.nih.gov is a free web resource from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that provides an informative, userfriendly portal to current drug information for over 15,000 drugs. Links to sources span the breadth of NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies. Current information regarding consumer health, clinical trials, AIDSrelated drug information, MeSH? pharmacological actions, PubMed? biomedical literature, and physical properties and structure is easily retrieved by searching on a drug name. A varied selection of focused topics in medicine and drugrelated information is also available from disp
Top - 10.
EBSCOhost databases - EBSCOhost
Search across multiple EBSCOhost databases. The Health Professions collection includes Medline, Alt HealthWatch, AgeLine, CINAHL, IPA, SportDiscus, CDSR, DARE, CCTR, Biomedical Reference Collection, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, and Pre-CINAHL. The Alvin Sherman collection includes Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts and Teacher Reference Center. Both include Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Internacional.
- 11.
EBSCOhost Mobile (HPD) - EBSCOhost
- 12.
Exam Master - Nursing NCLEX-RN - Exam Master Corp.
Nursing students will love using both the test mode and study mode as they prepare for the NCLEX-RN. Our board review for the NCLEX-RN nursing examination offers detailed rationales for each question and reflects the National Council of State Boards of Nursing's latest test plan
** Users must register using NSU emails only and always login through the NSU authentication portal**
Top - 13.
Gale Health and Wellness - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
This user-friendly database aids users who need reliable, comprehensive health information. Whether researchers need to answer questions they don’t feel comfortable discussing with their doctor or want to browse through current information on topics of general interest, Gale Health and Wellness is the one resource everyone will want to consult.
- 14.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine - Florida Electronic Library Resource - Gale Cengage Learning
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine features: 24/7 access to peer-reviewed journals in medicine, health, nursing and allied health and other health-related areas with backfiles from 1980. Videos of medical procedures and live surgeries from OR-Live. International news coverage from Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, NewsRx and Ascribe.
- 15.
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health - Gale Cengage Learning
Nursing and Allied Health grants users access to authoritative content including full-text titles cited in CINAHL supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management. This resource features highlighting and note-taking tools as well as an intuitive interface, providing multiple pathways to key information. This resource is updated daily and will help nursing professionals already working in the field, as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.
Top - 16.
Health and Medical Complete - ProQuest
Designed to serve a wide range of people who need health information -- from hospital administrators to medical professionals to consumers. The database provides coverage from leading health journals and essential medical journals in key medical specialties.
Top - 17.
JoVE Science Education - JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Science Education is a video database dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. Each video is paired with additional video resources for you to view practical applications of the technique and other complementary skills. The Core and Lab Manual series provide additional animated concept and lab protocol videos. Subjects include biology (basic and advanced), clinical skills, chemistry, psychology, environmental sciences, physics and engineering.
Top - 18.
LWW Health Library : Advanced Practice Nursing - Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Available through the LWW Health Library, the Advanced Practice Nursing Collection supports both the practice and specialty based areas of the curriculum for nurses working on either their Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN), or their Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Faculty members can contact the HPD Library for additional related instructional resources : Powerpoint slides, question banks, image banks.
Top - 19.
MEDLINE (ProQuest) - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts to medical literature including clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, health care services and administration, biological and physical sciences, etc. Coverage: 1996 to present.
- 20.
MEDLINE (Ovid) - ALL - Ovid
Citations and abstracts to medical literature including clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, health care services and administration, biological and physical sciences, etc. Also includes OLDMEDLINE and MEDLINE In-Process. Coverage: 1950 to present. Links to selected full-text articles.
- 21.
MEDLINE (Pubmed) w/ NSU-FindIt - National Library of Medicine
NLM's database containing over 35 million citations and abstracts across several NLM literature resources, including MEDLINE, PubMed Central (PMC), and more.
- 22.
MEDLINE (WOS) - Clarivate Analytics
Citations and abstracts to medical literature including clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, health care services and administration, biological and physical sciences, etc. Also includes MEDLINE In-Process. Coverage: 1950 to present.
- 23.
MEDLINE with Full Text (EBSCO) - EBSCOhost
Full text of medical literature including clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, health care services and administration, biological and physical sciences, etc.
Top - 24.
NLM Drug Information Portal - National Library of Medicine
The Drug Information Portal at http://druginfo.nlm.nih.gov is a free web resource from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that provides an informative, userfriendly portal to current drug information for over 15,000 drugs. Links to sources span the breadth of NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies. Current information regarding consumer health, clinical trials, AIDSrelated drug information, MeSH? pharmacological actions, PubMed? biomedical literature, and physical properties and structure is easily retrieved by searching on a drug name. A varied selection of focused topics in medicine and drugrelated information is also available from disp
- 25.
Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive - EBSCOhost
Full text of selected journals indexed in CINAHL. Subject areas include nursing, biomedicine, health sciences, consumer health and allied health disciplines.
- 26.
Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
Top - 27.
ProQuest Health and Medical Complete - ProQuest
Designed to serve a wide range of people who need health information -- from hospital administrators to medical professionals to consumers. The database provides coverage from leading health journals and essential medical journals in key medical specialties.
- 28.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Premium - ProQuest
Excellent for students and researchers in nursing, community health sciences, communications disorders and other health-related disciplines. Full text from over 250 leading nursing and allied health journals back to mid-1990's; indexing back to 1980's. Browse includes video.
- 29.
PUBMED MEDLINE w/ NSU-Findit - National Library of Medicine
NLM's database containing over 35 million citations and abstracts across several NLM literature resources, including MEDLINE, PubMed Central (PMC), and more.
Top - 30.
Sage Explorer - Sage Publications
Sage Explorer provides access to Sage's complete social science library. This includes Sage Business Cases, Sage Knowledge, Sage Research Methods, Sage Video, Sage Campus, Sage skills, Sage Data. and CQ Press Library.
Users must create an account to access content in Sage Campus.
- 31.
Sage Journals - Sage Publications
Collection contains over 100 journals, primarily covering management, education, psychology, health, and nursing. If you want full text articles only, select "Sage Content Available to Me" and set the starting value of Date Range to January, 1999.
- 32.
Sage Research Methods - Sage Publications
Sage Research Methods Online (SRM) is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SRM contains books, journals and videos. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand a particular method or identify a new method, and write up their research. Since SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more. For more information see this guide.
- 33.
Sage Research Methods Cases - Sage Publications
Sage Research Methods Cases: Search and browse this collection of case studies of real social research, specially commissioned and designed to help you understand abstract methodological concepts in practice!
- 34.
Sage Video - Sage Publications
This collection of videos features content on business, counseling and psychotherapy, criminology, education, leadership, media and communication, nursing, politics, social work and sociology. For more information see this guide.