- 1.
ACS Publications - American Chemical Society
Peer reviewed, full text articles published by the American Chemical Society from over 400 editorial offices at research universities and government-funded laboratories from around the world. Includes the ACS Style Manual and Chemical & Engineering News, a print and online news magazine covering the global chemical enterprise and related sciences.
Top - 2.
Biological Science Collection - ProQuest
Provides citations and abstracts on research literature in the biological and life sciences and related topics including bioengineering, biomedicine, biotechnology, ecology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, oncology, toxicology, virology, zoology, and others. Includes 25 subfiles which can be searched individually or in combination.
Top - 3.
Derwent Innovations Index - Clarivate Analytics
Provides patent data, letting you conduct patent and citation searches of inventions in chemical, electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering. Includes 14.3 million inventions from 40 worldwide patent-issuing authorities.
Top - 4.
EMBASE.com - Elsevier
Information on pharmacological and biomedical literature from EMBASE (since 1974) and from MEDLINE (since 1966). Includes Medline and other unique title indexing.
Includes : EMTREE tool medical terminology thesaurus.
Top - 5.
Handbook of Porphyrin Science - World Scientific
Provides access to Volumes 1-35 of Handbook of Porphyrin Science.
Top - 6.
JoVE Science Education - JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) Science Education is a video database dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. Each video is paired with additional video resources for you to view practical applications of the technique and other complementary skills. The Core and Lab Manual series provide additional animated concept and lab protocol videos. Subjects include biology (basic and advanced), clinical skills, chemistry, psychology, environmental sciences, physics and engineering.
Top - 7.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
Presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, properties, manufacturing, and uses; on industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering; and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Describes established technology along with cutting edge topics of interest in the wide field of chemical technology.
Top - 8.
Information on pharmacological and biomedical literature from EMBASE (since 1974) and from MEDLINE (since 1966). Includes Medline and other unique title indexing.
Includes : EMTREE tool medical terminology thesaurus.
Top - 9.
Science / AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
Includes : Science Magazine (full-text 1997-present), Science Express (pre-pub articles), ScienceNOW news, Science related News, Podcasts, Careers info, Blogs, MultiMedia and publications and user services, as well as a database of scientific-product information.
Top - 10.
Taylor & Francis (e-journals) - Taylor & Francis
Collection contains over 1754 journals, primarily covering health, psychology, and social sciences.
- 11.
Taylor & Francis ebooks - Taylor & Francis
Full text ebooks on the following subjects: humanities, social science, behavioral science, law and science. Includes Routledge Handbooks Online.
- 12.
Toxline - ProQuest
Citations and abstracts for literature on all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and mutagens and teratogens.
Top - 13.
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Subject areas include: inorganic and organic chemicals, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, polymers and plastics, metals and alloys, biotechnology and biotechnological products, food chemistry, process engineering and unit operations, analytical methods, environmental protection, and many more.
Top - 14.
World Scientific: Handbook of Porphyrin Science - World Scientific
Provides access to Volumes 1-35 of Handbook of Porphyrin Science.