Databases beginning with the letter "I" for Broward patrons
11 results.
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IBISWorld - IBISWorld
Whether your company requires a better understanding of market conditions and forecasts; whether you need a clearer picture of a supply chain, or whether you need to keep abreast of competitor activity in your industry, IBISWorld’s comprehensive reports will keep you informed. IBISWorld’s industry research reports consist of 30 to 40 pages of key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, major industry participants and more.
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- 2.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) - IEEE
The IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) is your single source for more than 30% of the world’s current literature in electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science. Through IEL you can access: journals, conference proceedings and standards from IEEE, plus select content dating as far back as 1872. More than 3 million articles, over 160 IEEE journals, magazines and transactions, and proceedings from IEEE conference titles. Over 2,400 approved and published IEEE active standards.
- 3.
IGI Global - IGI Global
Provides access to over 100 peer reviewed e-journals, over 3000 e-books published from 2010 forwards, and streaming videos covering information technology (IT) research, distance learning, global IT, healthcare systems, e-commerce, computer science, education and IT engineering.
- 4.
iGLibrary Plus - iGLibrary Plus
The new portal for accessing e-book content from business publisher, Business Expert Press and STEM publisher, Momentum Press. Business Expert Press subjects include business and entrepreneurial content. Momentum Press focuses on STEM-related subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Expert Insights provides short articles for professionals who want to update their skills. Topics include finance, business development, coaching, leadership, self-improvement, and more. E-books available in PDF/EPUB format for downloadable reading (a Personal Account is REQUIRED for offline reading).
- 5.
Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 (H.W. Wilson) - EBSCOhost
Index to over 750 English language legal periodicals for 1908-1981, plus annual surveys of laws, and federal courts, yearbooks, annual institutes, and annual reviews.
- 6.
Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America - Adam Matthew Digital
Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers right up to photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century. Browse through a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals.
- 7.
InfoLit - Core - Credo Reference
InfoLit - Core features mix and match tutorials, quizzes, and videos to support librarians’ teaching of information literacy and critical thinking skills. It is fully ADA-compliant providing accessibility to all learners.
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IngentaConnect - Ingenta
E-journal collection with about seventy full text subscriptions concentrating on health and medical titles.
- 9.
International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest - Wiley - Blackwell Publishers
This definitive 8-volume reference is a comprehensive print and electronic resource covering the history of protest and revolution over the past 500 years throughout the modern era of mass movements. From the rebellion against the Peasant's Revolt in Germany to the Taiping Uprising in China, and from the Enlightenment-inspired revolutions in Europe and America to the anti-colonial revolts of Pancho Villa and the Mau Mau, it covers every major revolution that has altered societies or changed the course of history on a local, regional, national, and international scale. It presents major uprisings and protest movements, and the ideas, ideologies and activists that propelled them, chronicles the manner in which they unfolded, traces their roots, goals, tactics, and influence, and evaluates their successes and failures.
- 10.
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) - EBSCOhost
Citations and abstracts covering all aspects of drug therapy, clinical drug studies, and pharmaceutical information. Topics covered include information on biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics, new drug delivery systems, pharmacist liability, legal, political & ethical issues, and many others. A unique feature of abstracts reporting clinical studies is the inclusion of the study design, number of patients, dosage, dosage forms, and dosage schedule.
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Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period - Alexander Street Press
Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period includes more than 80 volumes of poetry by approximately 50 Irish women writing between 1768 and 1842.